How to Attract What You Want By Creating Optimum Health
Posted on October 06, 2010 by Beverly Ambrosio, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Recognizing the importance of the mind-body connection is a crucial component to optimum health.
You’ve probably heard a lot of talk lately about “manifesting” and “attracting” whatever you desire through the power of your thoughts. Some of the information out there is accurate and founded in scientific research and some of it is merely meant to sell products. In my own search for the answer of “how to attract” our desires, I turned to both scientific research and spiritual teachings. As a result, I discovered a common theme among all the credible information I encountered. It was that of self-care. Caring for the body, mind and spirit is critical to realizing your life’s goals and dreams.
Self-care is an important component to achieving any goal you will ever set. If you are low on energy, experiencing poor health, and/or depressed, you will have a hard time accomplishing anything you attempt. Worry and stress will cloud your mind, diverting your focus from what you want. Additionally, others will tend to gravitate away from you because of your low energy and depressed mood.
Science has proven that everything in the Universe contains energy, and at specific frequencies. Like frequencies attract other like frequencies. In other words, if a frequency is low on the energy scale, it will attract a frequency which is also low on the energy scale, and if it is positive it will attract to a positive frequency.
Science has also found that we have the ability to physically alter the brain through behavior and environment. This ability of the brain to be changed by the environment and experience is called neural plasticity. The brain can actually create new neural pathways and expand in certain regions. Through research in the field of neuroscience, it has been discovered that other individuals can have an effect on the physical structure of another person’s brain! Think about that for just a moment. The words that someone else speaks or the actions they take in your presence can change the neurons in your brain!
Your environment, your daily routine of how you take care of yourself, the people you interact with, and the thoughts you have, all affect your overall health. If your overall health is not optimum, you are not in an energetic state sufficient enough to “attract” what you want.
The current state of our economy has wreaked havoc with so many lives, causing drastic changes not only of lifestyles but physical and emotional health. Many people are feeling devastated and depressed, which leads to a lack of energy. The lack of energy then creates a snowball effect. Lack of energy can lead to not being able to carry out even the simplest of activities, which then leads to even more depression.
A large part of emotional health involves being able to control your emotional states. You probably know someone who flies off the handle at the least little thing or someone who creates drama at every turn. This is because that person has not learned to control their emotional states. Controlling your emotional states involves controlling your internal dialog. It is a choice we can decide to make in order to create different results for ourselves.
Increasing your energy level can be accomplished by focusing on three main areas to begin with and building on them for maximum energy. The three areas are emotional health, physical health, and nutritional health.
With emotional health, the amount of stress that you are experiencing must be controlled in order to function optimally. One of the best ways to reduce stress is through meditation and controlling the internal dialog. Meditation has long been recognized as a way to achieve a deep state of relaxation and heightened awareness. It is recognized as a component of almost all religions, and with practice, works at the subconscious level to redirect thought processes. Many of my clients have expressed not being able to sit still long enough to meditate or don’t know how. I frequently recommend they purchase a meditation CD so they can simply sit for half an hour with the headphones on and zone out. The idea is to quiet the mind and relax the body. Taking even a few minutes a day to sit undisturbed and quiet the mind, while affirming that which you want for yourself, will in time, work to create new thought patterns.
Recognizing the importance of the mind-body connection is a crucial component to optimum health. Our internal dialog will direct our body and determine our actions. Internal dialog is so powerful it can create stress to the point of bringing on anxiety attacks. Likewise, changing the internal dialog can eliminate anxiety attacks.
Much of the internal dialog that goes on is so subtle that it occurs on the subconscious level. When stress is occurring at the subconscious level, more cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and associated with stress, is released with the potential to bring about a host of illnesses.
Another great way to reduce stress is to bring joy into your life by doing things you love. When you are doing activities that create an experience of joy or happiness, the result is positive change in the physiological and neurological states of your body, thereby increasing energy.
The second area of focus is physical energy being exerted. Exercise must be factored into every self-care and optimum health program. Whatever form of exercise you choose, you will experience better results if you create a schedule and mark off 2-3 (or more) days a week for the exercise. Then adhere to the schedule for a minimum of 21 consistent days to create a new habit. Exercising can nourish both body and mind. It allows more oxygen through your system and relieves stress which helps to clear the mind.
The third area of focus is in the area of your nutrition. Focusing on nutrition can be as simple as beginning to eat better and take vitamin and mineral supplements. Being deficient in any number of vitamins, minerals, or amino acids can cause a lack of energy. Not getting enough protein or water during the day can also lead to a lack of energy. If you feel you are seriously lacking in the area of proper nutrition, and don’t know where to begin, then a qualified nutritionist can design a customized plan for you.
If most of your daily intake consists of fast food, caffeine, sugar, junk food, sodas, and other processed type foods, then it’s time to change. Again, the change doesn’t have to be drastic. Little changes like buying healthy, already prepared foods in advance for a busy lifestyle can make a big difference
The final step in attracting what you desire through optimum health is by taking action. When you know what you want and have a clear vision of the dream, you have to take action in order to make it a reality. To realize your emotional and physical health goals you must take action daily. Knowing how and what kind of action to take involves awareness, self-reflection, searching for the necessary outside resources and having a support system in place.