Posted on March 20, 2015 by Tom Cocklereece, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
What are the ten primary habits of successful people living and working with ADHD?
ADHD is a debilitating problem that many often think is exclusive to children and teens but there are many adults working with the disorder. ADHD people are often reprimanded and told to try harder, work harder, focus better, or to learn self-discipline. Herein is the problem of ADHD; they can’t, or at least not with some help. This article will provide ten things that ADHD people can do to achieve and maintain success in life and work. Following articles will expound on each habit by discussing one each week.
1. Successful ADHD people have accepted themselves.
Successful ADHD people learn all they can about improving life and work with ADHD.
3. Successful ADHD people consistently use helpful structures such as lists, reminders, filing systems, and calendars
Successful ADHD people seek a coach or therapist for accountability and encouragement.
Successful ADHD people consistently use appropriate wellness, sleep, supplement, and/or medication regimens in order to optimize their health and function in life and work.
Successful ADHD people self-regulate their recreational activities such as video games, television, and other high neural stimulation activities.
Successful ADHD people maintain a safety net of relationships with family, friends, a coach and/or therapist for occasional times when life falls apart.
Successful ADHD people find ways to turn off their minds for recreation, rest, and relaxation.
9. Successful ADHD people learn to tap into the uniqueness of their ADHD signature in order to meet the challenges of life and work.
Successful ADHD people do not allow criticism by others to diminish their self-esteem.
Dr. Tom Cocklereece is CEO of RENOVA Coaching and Consulting, LLC. He has 20 years experience as a pastor, and is an author, certified professional coach and coach trainer, leadership specialist, and a Coach/Teacher/Speaker for the John Maxwell Team and CEO of lifeatcollegecoaching.com.
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