March, 2015 * What I'm working on
Posted on March 20, 2015 by Bob Pudlock, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
I strive to be a "product of my coaching product" - striving to be inspirational, motivational, and a role model for my clients, family, and friends.
As a coach, I hold strongly to the belief that I am a “product of the product”; my goal in life is to be an inspiration and positive role model for all the people I come in contact with, especially with my clients at Gulf Stream Coaching.
I’m also human, just like you. I have my share of negative thoughts, unwanted behavior, and emotional shortcomings.
Each month, I tackle a single, major area of my life – sometimes it’s replacing a negative action or behavior with a positive one or tackling a negative thought pattern. It just depends – there’s no formula; I stay as aware as I can of when I’m out of balance and make a decision each month to tackle the one thing that gives me, once removed or added, the most bang for the buck.
I’ll share my rationale for why I chose the area of improvement each month and status updates; you’ll see the formula I use, which is no different than how I work with my clients.
I hope the insight and my personal development each month resonates with you and inspires you to do the same.
March, 2015
This month, I’ve taken on a number of new clients as well as a coaching project that will start later this month. I’ve fallen out of balance with my physical fitness routine and it has impacted my sleep, energy, focus, and confidence. I’ve justified in my mind that my fitness and physical health can slip a bit during busy times and it’s a trap that I’ve fallen into from time to time through my life. It’s an irrational thought that leads to procrastination and imbalance and poor or diminished “performance” in other areas of my life.
The change I decided to make this month is to get back into a fitness routine that’s in balance with the other areas in my life(social, business, hobbies, personal relationships).
The most important reason why I chose this is because the added workload and business stressors(mostly positive!) have worn me down mentally and physically and I’ve been acutely aware that I hadn’t been clicking on all cylinders in February.
The commitment I made this month are the following:
1. Take 2-3 classes per week at my local – if you’re not familiar with OTF, it’s a high-intensity, interval training program that lasts an hour and really gets after your heart rate and metabolism. Each person wears a heart rate monitor that’s connected to a flat screen read-out that monitors in real-time your heart rate, calories burned, and average heart rate for the session. Two things I love in life are to compete against myself and data – I get each in these workouts. I highly recommend these workouts and if you choose to partake, take it slowly at first and be proud of the fact you made it through 60 minutes the first couple times!
2. Since I’ve fallen out of balance and focused too heavily on work, my agility, metabolism, resting heart rate, and overall muscle tone has dipped a bit. Due to previous injuries, it’s important I focus on stability exercises as well; I’m doing these on my off days to make sure that I’m not putting myself in harms way during the high intensity workouts. I’ve learned in recent years that I can’t drive my race car(my body) fast if the wheels(legs, shoulders, hips) aren’t aligned!
For this month, I’m focused on staying injury free and just “showing up”; I’ve been blessed with a good dose of athleticism and good genes, so for me, just “showing up” for the workouts is 90% of the battle. Once I’ve gotten to the gym or OTF, my competitive juices start flowing and I find my zone and I’m off to the races. I’m lucky that way, and very grateful to my Mother and Father for instilling in me good habits and the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle.
Some things that I’ve been watching out for that would get in the way of my goal are the following:
1. Justifying that success at work is enough to be satisfied – this is irrational and incorrect – getting out of balance with my physical fitness causes work to actually suffer because of low energy, diminished focus, not to mention the other areas of my life.
2. Focusing on results – as much as I love data and hitting a personal best each time out, this month is about “showing up”, not hitting “personal bests” – I’ll save that for another month….or not. For this month, it’s been all about showing up and staying injury free.
When I decided on this goal at the start of the month, I looked at the other areas in my life, I determined that my fitness goal was attainable and would actually be a catalyst for other areas of my life(more energy for relationships, work, my clients and family, and increased self-confidence) and I made a commitment – 10 out of 10, no looking back, whatever it takes.
So far so good!
Is there anything you can think of in your life that you’d like to change in April?