4 Reasons Authenticity Is Important
Posted on October 04, 2010 by Elaine Lockard, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
There is so much talk about being authentic today. Here are 4 basic reasons why it’s important.
There is so much talk about being authentic today, one would think that most everyone would have gotten the importance by now. Alas, I am seeing more and more people who don’t understand than do.
To help, here are 4 basic reasons why it’s important.
1. People don’t like lies! Believe you me! They can spot one a mile off. Take for instance a person who boasts a lot about things they have done. They may have done what they speak of, but most embellish and fudge the truth. This will quickly kill a budding relationship.
2. Authenticity shows your uniqueness. Ever wonder why a person is picked over another even though their message is similar? It’s because the way they present their message is unique to them and calls out to those who want that special, unique twist to their relationship.
3. Authenticity shows your passion. Emotion rules in getting your message out. People connect to emotions fast. When you have passion and tell it like it is people connect right away to that on a gut level.
4. Fake actions turn people off. When you are not being yourself, you have to think and try harder to be what you’re not. This causes you to act differently; maybe at a loss for words or stammer or be uncomfortable in your interactions. People pick up on this and turn away because they feel uncomfortable also.
I hope these four simple points help you clarify and demonstrate how important authenticity is in your life and business.