What is the difference between Motivational Speakers and Coaches?
Posted on March 14, 2015 by Keshia Dempsey, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
Wondering about the value of hiring a coach versus being motivated by a great speaker? It's a valid question that someone recently asked me...
While both are valuable, the difference is that a motivational speaker will inspire forward movement, in a group setting with unilateral dialogue, but typically does not work one-on-one in a partnership for accountability. A coach will act in a part as a motivator, holding the client accountable to ensure progressive action on the declared goals. The motivational speaker holds the expertise, whereas the coach embraces the client’s expertise by “giving them the floor” and being the mirror.
Motivational speakers provide powerful and encouraging words that are independently applied to life situations by the individuals. Coaches establish a contractual relationship over a specified period of time to provide continued support along the client’s journey. Both experiences require the individual to perform the work to achieve the end goal, but the coach is there for motivation, accountability, and reflection throughout the process.
Ontological coaching focuses on the individual for personal transformation that flows throughout various areas of the clients life. It functions through co-creating a partnership that provides non-judgmental, unwavering support, while identifying new ways of thinking based on reflection of what is being shared by the client. During these interactions, the client and coach brainstorm practices to reinforce new paradigms and to transition awareness to action.
If you are interesting in working with someone to gain new perspectives that shift paradigms and encourage new thoughts that promote new actions which produce new results, contact me today!