Masculine vs. Feminine Energy in Relationships
Posted on March 11, 2015 by Sam Leiter, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Polarity in Masculine and Feminine energy is critical to achieving and sustaining passion.
So often our presentation of ourselves to other people reflects inner conflicts we are not consciously aware of and hinders experiencing fulfillment in those relationships. For example, if a man, who is really masculine at his core, learns to present himself as feminine to compensate for his mother who presented herself as masculine to counter her husband’s wrath, he himself will act out in frustration and self sabotage his relationships without even realizing it. Any masculine man who acts predominantly feminine becomes a pleaser, is not respected by his woman and develops a low self image. It is critical for us to know what we are at our core and be true to that identity so that we feel the freedom of authenticity and nurture the necessary polarity in our relationships.
Relationships can be loving without polarity but will never sustain the passion necessary to feel truly alive and growing. The synergy of masculine and feminine energy creates electricity which creates a fully alive and passionate relationship.
So don’t be afraid to step up, feel free, express yourself from your core and experience the passion of living who you are!