Simplenomics 101: Getting To Our Next
Posted on March 03, 2015 by Herman I Pryor Jr, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Be willing to embrace putting the energy, commitment, time, and sacrifice forth toward any goal you set to accomplish. Think It... Speak It... Be It!
When desiring to embark on your next life altering opportunity, consider your wiring. Your wiring, as in your genetic makeup which is comprised of the things that makes us who we are and the things in us that are still inactive. Our wiring dictates our personal evolution while directly impacting our mood, reactions, thoughts, perspectives, willingness, health (mental and physical), and overall outlook in life. More specifically, our wiring resolves our view of the world and how we come to know it through our very own lenses.
Here are 3 recommendations to consider before B-lining towards what we assume will be or should be our next move or “Next Big Break” in life:
1.) Life sometimes for many of us with the desire to evolve in our relationships (personal or professional) or careers, can be filled with anxiety, uncertainty, fear, doubt, and even fictitious happiness. When face head-on with the unknowns ahead, we must always remember to ask ourselves ‘Who am I?’ And ‘What is it that I really want out of life?’ These two questions although direct will guarantee a direction if we are true to ourselves when answering them. The older we get we begin to find that our goals whether career, personal, or professional, our ambitions, personality, friendships, relationships, insights, and outlook are all susceptible to change. The sooner we embrace life’s uncontrollable transitional periods of growth that we sometimes call a “monkey wrench” or more pleasantly a “blessing” that life throws our way, the better we ultimately become as self-experts over time. Learning who we are and why we’re here sooner than later can help to ensure that our road to self-discovery is a little less bumpy due to our ability to strategically assess, self-reflect, and navigate life’s many channels. Our stakes in the next step(s) can then be accurately appropriated throughout every avenue of opportunity we approach by the mere alignment of our decision to embrace the confidence to willingly move on and onward.
2.) Life is timing. Always remember that timing is one of life’s most equitable essentials when pondering or plotting your next move. Knowing when and how to evolve is also important. Any change whether significant or small will affect your whole life in its present and future states. Some of us will get it right on the first try, but the truth in reality is that the majority of us won’t. How does one avoid life’s catastrophes? Take the time to make the right step the first time around with the importance of time and its limited supply as your guiding source.
3.) Sometimes the next move or our “Next Big Move/Break” should be to start over. Starting over is not all bad. If it’s taken you 15 wrongs to make 1 right, it’s probably time either can the effort altogether or simply reassess, reevaluate, re-strategize, and redeliver your concept to first yourself, then to your desired platform. When we ‘backtrack’ or ‘start over’ is not necessarily lost, but repurposed. Growth only can come from patience and as we begin to see ourselves where we desire to be in life we must remember that our steps must be geared toward only one solidified direction… TANGIBILITY.
We are the reflection of the reality we seek. Living for the satisfaction of existing cyclically will only yield the type of results for our lives that is not favorable to our present or future. If in this current space you feel your wheels are spinning… let them. This only means that you’ve experienced an awakening that has you on a new path of self-discovery in your attempts to identify your next placement(s) in life. One can only travel the distance to arrive at their next assignment if he or she has taken the time to properly prepare the travel documents. In the end we ultimately find that it’s all about our individual trajectory for ONWARD.
Herman I. Pryor Jr., MS, LPC, NCC