What's Your 'Source' Spot?
Posted on February 12, 2015 by Ryan Cuillerier, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Recharging, Renewing & Finding Your Truth
Within each of us are a set of essential truths. They are our own non-negotiables that behave as motivators and propellers along our paths. When we acknowledge and express them, we infuse all of our choices, feelings, thoughts and actions with their power.
ALIGNMENT: as we move from questions and doubts to deep, irrefutable knowing, we realign to our inner wisdom in powerful ways that allow us to move efficiently and purposefully in the direction of our true heart’s desire. As a by-product, we also release guilt, shame and the rest of the sticky stuff that has tried to keep us down.
Along your path so far, I’m willing to bet there have been numerous moments when things aligned, the skies smiled, or you felt totally ‘in the pocket’ of your life – you got the promotion or job you wanted, the love of your life walked in and swept you away, or your sense of joy and love swelled to uncontrollable levels and you burst into tears. These moments are your clues to your essential truths. Within them, like a spine, there was a structure of values at work supporting your experience, bringing you life as you truly want it. Get to know these ‘source spots’, and then consciously create opportunity for them today. Your life will change in a flash.
I experienced my first re-alignment to these truths a few years back as I was consciously re-creating my life. I had let go of pursuing a career in architecture, professional music performance and a few other sideshows that had captured my attention along the way. I was feeling lost and had no clear vision of what I wanted. Except one thing. I knew I loved plants. Yup, I did. I still do, but it was during a summer season of gardening in a community plot here in Vancouver that I re-discovered just how gardening made me feel. The impact on my whole energy level was incredible. I would arrive at my plot in downtown feeling out of sorts and, after pulling a few weeds, watering and playing in the dirt, I would be totally refreshed and feeling a deep sense of something. Peace, relaxed, open. It was all very nice indeed. I didn’t know how it worked, I just knew that it worked.
It became a source-spot for me. One morning while working in my dirt, I wondered to myself ‘what if my career made me feel this way?’ what if what I did each day brought me to this place inside myself where I was inspired and energized? Oh my gosh, that would be really awesome, right? That day was a pivotal moment, as I then started exploring for other activities that made me feel that way. I used my knowing of the feeling to test out other activities, jobs and looked to recreate in each area of my life, that which brought me more alive, and more clear and sure within myself.
Now looking back at that time, and as a coach, I realize I was getting to know my own core values, my essential truths. I was re-learning the ways in which I’m naturally and authentically me. For it’s those times when life flows with greatest ease, joy and fun. I could always tell when something didn’t work for me in some way: my energy would be depleted, I would procrastinate and I just felt ‘off’. In comparison, my new choices brought me into greater and greater energy, love and opportunity. It was like magic, except it’s not. It’s just how we’re designed!
How are you doing at choosing that which brings you more alive, more energy and more opportunity? Honestly, from personal experience, it can make all the difference in the world. I secretly want everyone alive today on earth to know this, it’s that great. I guess my secret’s out now – and I hope you make time to consider what impact you can have in your own life, just by listening to your inner knowing.
You’re smart!
Sincerely, Ryan