3 simple ideas to practice self-love
Posted on February 12, 2015 by Lara Heacock, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Maybe you're not acting out of self-love. What do you do?
For some people, affirmations work.
For some people, telling the self-hate voice to “F off” works.
For some people, ignoring the self-hate voice works.
I’m not any of those people and none of those things has ever worked for me, long-term. If you can identify, let’s talk. As I said before, I believe in starting simply. We’ve already answered some simple questions on self-love versus self-hate. We’ve realized that affirmations and ignoring don’t always work. Now what?
Let’s try something radical. Let’s turn the self-hate voice on it’s behind. Let’s listen to it, talk to it and learn from it. Let’s not do it alone. Let’s become a nation of people who choose kindness and start by being kind to themselves.
Here are a few small ways to get started:
1) Put a sticky note somewhere you see it frequently (mine is inside my medicine cabinet) that says 1 good thing about you. Examples include: my body is strong, I have great hair, my eyes are beautiful, my heart is open, etc.
2) Ask someone you love what they love about you. Sit with that for a few minutes and really take it in. Don’t let yourself dismiss their truth.
3) Do 1 thing per week that’s just for you – something that fills you up. Whether that’s a walk in the park or a manicure at lunch, do something every week that restores your spirit. This is a nice way to show yourself self-love.