It's Not What Your Want But What You Expect!
Posted on February 05, 2015 by Tricia Ryan, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
The Law of Expectation supports the concept that whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.
“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.” Charles Kettering
There are four fundamental laws that flow from the Law of Cause and Effect. These four laws seem to underlie all the happiness and success we experience in life. Unhappiness and failure tend to come from violating one or more of these four laws in some way.
The Law of Expectation supports the concept that whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy. This law has also been described as Erickson’s Law of Expectation and simply states that 85% of what you expect to happen … will. Erickson also states that the Law of Expectation doesn’t play favorites, so it doesn’t matter if you are expecting negative or positive things to happen – The Law of Expectation stays true. It cannot be cheated just by wishing because a real expectation is tied into your Belief System, which you also control.
Brian Tracy also writes about the Law of Expectation in his book, “The 100 Absolute Unbreakable Laws”. It simply says that ‘What you get is not necessarily what you want in life, but what you expect.’ A simple, and very powerful thought.
Within the book, Brian Tracy makes reference to people consciously or unconsciously living according to the expectations of those they often look up to. The 4 key models for our expectations are people that we most often deal with and can include….
1. Expectations of our parent(s)
2. Expectations of our boss/supervisor/superior
3. Expectations of our children, spouse, colleagues
4. Expectations from your SELF.
The most important Expectation is the one you have of your SELF. The best part of this Law is that your self-expectation can be completely created and altered by you. In other words you can make it positive and/or negative. Your choice!
It is so powerful that it can override any negative expectation from a parent, boss, spouse or other influencer within your life.
Brian Tracy also writes about a concept called ‘inverse paranoia‘, which is the belief that the Universe is always conspiring for you to succeed. Every situation that you land up in is heaven-sent to put you in a position to be successful or to make you learn an important lesson that will eventually lead to your growth and success.
So when considering the Law of Expectation, expect the best from yourself. Imagine that you have unlimited potential and that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to. What has happened so far in life is all preparation for the great things to come and remember it’s not what you want that you get, it’s what you EXPECT.