The two different types Winner & Looser
Posted on December 21, 2014 by Sheron Adam, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The winner type: I can do it and the looser type: I can't do it. What type are you?
Attitudes, goal settings and thoughts such as: I can do it! or I will try it and if I have to many obstacle in my way, I will ask for help.
This are the magic keys and tools which will take us forward and reaching our desired goals.
The difference between (1) a winner type person and (2) a I can’t do it person (looser type person)
The I can’t do it type will always be a part of his own problem
The winner type is always a part of the answer
The I can’t do it type always has excuses, and will find a problem in each answer
The winner type always has a program and sees in each problem a solution or answer
The I can’t do it type says,: it might be possible but it is too difficult
Winner type says, it might be difficult but it is possible
There are so many different ways guiding and leading us to our desired goal, the most important is, not overloading our self, seeking a logical structured and manageable time frame. Everything has to be realistic.
If it took you several creeping years and month to figure out that you have chosen or selected a different or other ‘wrong’ way in life, it will take you with that gained knowledge some time to redirect your focus into the other direction, and keep in mind we have to be open minded when making mistakes, mistakes are there to learn from, we are never finished learning and if we like to reach our goals and desires we always wanted, we have to be open minded and willing to make a change.
This time of the year, we make planes such as: what we like to change the next year, be realistic better take two or three things in each quarter of the new year with chances to ad on a fourth one, instead of overloading yourself and getting frustrated.
Reward your self with something nice, put in a box little rolled up notes with, nice dinner, movie, theater tickets or what soever you like to treat yourself with. If you have reached the first step towards your goal, grab into the box and reward yourself, motivate yourself and keep in mind getting help coaches are there for, before you give up or getting frustrated.
A free 15 minute coaching consultation could make your change. Coaching plans and lessons are available online and via Skype, feel free to contact me and it will be my pleasure to coaching you to reach your desired goal.