Posted on December 01, 2014 by Deborah Downey, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Clarifying ways to love and support oneself...questions to ask yourself.
Become your own best friend…
We spend our whole life in our own head thinking about “How am I doing?” “How can I get some of that?” “If only this!” “If only that!” “I wish I could get her job!”
We spend almost 100% of our waking hours of assessing, comparing, planning, rehashing the past or awful- lysing our future of our families and friends past or future. I suggest that we get some control over our minds and use our thoughts to set our actions and attitudes on the path to happiness, love, passion and spiritual enlightenment.
Experience has shown me that it is never too soon or too late to start training the mind. I am here to have my mind serve me not for me to serve my mind and all it”s crazy whims. I believe that it is indeed a long journey to first truly know myself and then as a byproduct know a Divine Force of my very own choosing. I prefer to look at this personal quest as my chosen assignment rather than as a victim recovering from the harms of others. Especially not recovering from the habits I picked up from unhealthy people or what abusive notions I personally invented just to harm and torture myself on a daily basis.
Rather I propose we can develop a new set of life skills that will take us where we want to go. We can begin by helping you develop some self- approval ideas to practice on a daily basis and then expand from there.
Become your own best friend
When I work with individuals and groups, I like to pose questions that will stimulate their very own way to re-create themselves and rewire their negative thought patterns. Below are a few questions that you can start with. Of course if any of these questions don”t work for you skip them. I wrote these questions and felt we all could benefit from pondering and writing about what they reveal to us.
What are five things you can do daily to love and approve of yourself?
What is your Ego? What is your Ego”s agenda?
What is your Higher Power/Divine Force/Divine Love/Highest Self/ True Self/GOD?
Do you stay fully present during the day? Do your thoughts wander or stay focused?
What are some ways to break out of the trance you slip into when you want to satisfy your ego instead your Higher Power?
What are actions you can take when you spend too much time thinking about yourself & then feel self doubt or the desire to control manage and direct others or blame someone else for your perceived problems?
Do you have a spiritual connection? Or are you self reliant?
On a scale from one to ten…give me a number that accurately depicts your willingness to serve God? The effort you really put forth during a week or month or yearly to know and love God?
Could you do better? Do you feel you would benefit spiritually if you did more?
How can we become spiritually fit do you suppose?
In the 3rd step prayer (God I offer myself to thee to build with me and do with me as thou will. Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those that I would serve of Thy Love and Thy power and Thy way of life. May I do Thy will always. Amen) we surrender to the Higher Power to do with us and build with us…. what are we building do you think?
Become your own best friend
In the Lord’s Prayer…we ask “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others”…what are trespasses do you think?
Are you being realistic in your estimation for spiritual success? How do you know?
What do you consider spiritual success to look and feel life?
How do you know what God wants you to do?
What do you think each day of your life would look like if you were no longer enslaved by your defects of character and truly living free of your EGO?
Contact Coach Deborah Downey
Deborah will customize the presentation for you and your attendees. You can transform your love relationship. It starts here. Contact Deborah to schedule her for your event today .855-288-2744