Posted on December 01, 2014 by Deborah Downey, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
This article helps to clarify why we make poor choices and uninformed deciscions.
Ego is the Problem
There is one main idea at the core of all spiritual pursuits and all religions. That core idea is that we must transcend our ego in order to find peace and enlightenment.
The willingness to release our need for personal glory and material possession as our sole goals during of our existence, is a difficult concept to embrace and a huge if not impossible sacrifice to make for the majority of us.
The temptation to want as much comfort, privilege, power and pleasure that we can gather during our life- time is continuously promoted by corporations and capitalists on a daily basis around the globe.
The war between pleasing your ego vs. finding a power that you can rely on has been in effect since the beginning of time.
Here’s what I know.
The ego is never satisfied and sends out a message a fear – fear that we won’t ever get enough, fear that we will lose what we have, fear that we are unworthy of anything and everything and finally, fear that there is no hope for us.
Compare that message to believing in a higher Source and attaining the gifts and peace that accompany that belief system and to me it is a “no-brainer”.
Ego is the Problem
When I reach for a Spirit greater than myself to guide my life, my life is more joyous regardless of the amount of material possessions and personal power I acquire.
When I was a child of six or so, Shirley Temple the child film star had become America’s sweetheart – the darling of talent, sweetness and goodness.
To be sure, Shirley was busy tap dancing her way into the hearts and homes of millions. It was easy to see that Shirley had what every parent wanted in his or her children.
Many years later after I had identified that I had been an approval- seeking missile from childbirth I decided to name my ego Shirley Temptress.
In fact without knowing it, I had literally become a singing, tap dancing, and entertainer and had performed across the USA and even overseas to the great joy and approval of my dear mother. Seeing this was extremely painful of course, but the clarity did assist my desire to change and to try searching for connection to God.
Unlike the cartoon character Snow White’s kind and loving supportive 7 dwarfs, Shirley Temptress sent out
Greedy, Bossy, Sneaky, Scary, Guilty, Apathy and Snooty to torment me in the middle of the night and the moment I woke up every morning. Indeed the devil dwarfs were there every morning and were always ready to criticize, complain, and compare and would eagerly take over my thinking, till I identified them and understood that they worked for my ego, good ole Shirley Temptress.
Ego is the Problem
The point of all this dear friends is : know your enemy, the ego.
You do not need to be a slave to your ego any longer.
It certainly helps to be aware that your ego is driving you. That said I’ve found that I have little to no tools to fight my ego unaided and with only my own power.
I have had to search for a Power greater than myself to help drown out the constant chatter of my committee of those 7 devil dwarfs.
Before you fall asleep at night try making a list of everything you’re grateful for.
Next upon awakening ask how you can be of service to someone during the coming 12 hours. Ask the Universe to help you with your actions and reactions throughout the day and to help you keep your attitude in line with your highest good.
The suggestions will greatly improve your life and may inspire others.
This is coach Deborah
Please call 855–288–2744 for your complementary brilliance breakthrough session
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