Re-Programing your mind to think positive
Posted on November 06, 2014 by F D, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Dr. Imoto researched the effects of positive vs negative words on water & discovered that the molecular formations change, we are made of 75% water ..
Dr. Imoto researched the effects of positive vs negative words on water & discovered that the molecular formations change, our body is made of 75% water imagine what happens we you use positive vs negative words. We are responsible for what we are doing to our bodies. If we used positive thoughts and words on a regular bases you can imagine what an amazing difference we could make not only to our bodies but to everything around us.
Try this technique: on a page draw a line vertically to divide the page into two. On the headers write the following: On the left write: Contrast, on the right write Clarity. Start writing the contrasting words you may have in your thoughts at that time. On the Clarity write what is opposite of your contrasting words in order. For example: Hate as a Contrast, Love as a Clarity.
Once you have done that: read the contrast and scratch that one out, now read the clarity and keep doing this. You will need to do this for at least 21 days everyday. It is an exercise you may want to give a few minutes daily to. This is a very powerful exercise that can help turn your thoughts and life’s perspective in general.