The Acid Test
Posted on November 05, 2014 by Christ Centered Coaching-- Jim Wyrostek, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
Is it a goal or a dream?
The following are questions I’ve asked most of my coaching clients if it seems as though they are struggling with making a decision regarding a goal. It’s called The Acid Test because by pouring these questions onto the decision making process, they will help determine whether what a person wants is a goal or a dream. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a dream but no one can help accomplish a dream until it is turned into a goal……. FIRST: Do you want it? That’s pretty easy. Most people want something ! SECOND: Do you need it? Now that’s a little harder to answer because you may want a car. But do you need a new car? You may even want and need a new car but to you need a Cadilac or can you get by with a Chevy now? THIRD: Can you afford it? Now, affordability is more than just money. Although money is one of the components. When I ask if you can afford it? I’m asking if you can afford it with: Money: Can you afford whatever it is financially? Do you have the money? Time: Do you have and are you willing to devote the time necessary to achieve what it is you want? Personal Sacrifice: Are you willing and able to give up whatever may be required to accomplish what you want to achieve? I mean, if you’re looking to get a college degree, are you willing to give up playing basketball with the boys to study instead? If you want to start a business are you willing to give up time with your spouse or the kids to devote to building the business? Is your spouse willing to give up that time? If you can not answer Yes to Anyone of those questions, what you are trying to accomplish or achieve is a dream not a goal at this time. It may become a goal sometime in the future; but right now, it is a dream. Keeping it simple: you want to turn a dream into a goal, turn the goal into a vision, then turn the vision into reality…………………………………..