Microsoft CEO Said WHAT??? Maybe We Should Thank Him
Posted on October 15, 2014 by Janet Tyler Johnson, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
How did you feel when the CEO of Microsoft said that women should not ask for raises? Read this article to find out why we should thank him!
Satya Nadella, who became CEO of Microsoft in February of 2014, is under fire for saying that women shouldn’t ask for raises. The quote I found is, “It’s not really about asking for the raise,” Nadella told the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference, held in Phoenix, “but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along.”
He added that “women who don’t ask for raises” have a “superpower … because that’s good karma, that’ll come back … that’s the kind of person that I want to trust.”
The question he was responding to was this: “What do you advise women who are interested in advancing their careers, but not comfortable … with asking for a raise?” Multiple studies have shown that women in the workplace earn roughly three quarters of the salary, on average, compared to men doing the same job.
First, let me say “Thank You” to Mr. Nadella. This attempt to make, what looked like to me, some enlightened statement has just brought into our consciousness again the fact that women are paid less than men for the same job, and has fueled a bigger conversation around this than we were having before the statement was made.
Ladies — it is ludicrous, that in this day and age we are still fighting for equal pay for equal work. If I didn’t know better I’d think we were still living in the ’60’s.
This is not acceptable, and many of you know it, and have opted out of the system altogether.
Approximately 70% of the employees of Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Yahoo are men. You’ll never convince me that women are not good at technology, so maybe the fact that they know they will not earn what men earn has sent them off in different directions.
For those of you willing to take on the fight, do it.
For those of you that have had enough of the inequality, but want to take a different path, it’s time to stop putting up with this kind of thing and escape from Corporate America once and for all.
Corporate America is NOT the be-all, end-all path to success. Trust me. I am more successful today, with more potential for even greater success, than I ever would have achieved in Corporate America.