This is My Mantra
Posted on October 04, 2014 by Aba Josephine Akyianu, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
My mantra
This is My Mantra
I feel blessed and soulfully inspired. I am loved and cared for by my partner, family and friends. I am thankful for my Divine purpose.
I am achieving my goals in life. I am resilient. I find my way around life’s challenges. I attain resolution of my issues, coming away stronger, brighter and empowered for having faced them.
I focus my attention on sources of strength and encouragement so that I see my lighted path from wherever I stand.
It feels great to be energetic. I am spirit-filled and make choices that add value to my life and to the lives of others. Harmonious interactions build and strengthen and strengthen community.
I love my life. I live with a passion for Mother Earth and all her offerings, nature, creativity, artistic culture, soul-inspiring music and dance, food that nourishes, style sense, good humour and a quest for learning.
I feed my dreams with inspired actions and align my thoughts with my desires.
My soul is soothed, revived and satisfied.
My whole being reverberates with loving energy;
My light radiates all around.
I am thankful for the life I have and for
All my blessings.
Every day is a gift.
This is My Mantra
Aba Josephine Akyianu