3 Simple But Effective Ways To Make Sure You Skyrocket Your Stress Level
Posted on September 20, 2014 by Kornelia Werner Yellon, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learn about factors that skyrocket your stress level and how you can break the vicious cycle of stress with 3 simple but efffective strategies.
Stress – A widespread disease
What may managers, housewives, single moms and grad students all have in common?
More now than ever people across age, educational and professional backgrounds and personal status suffer from chronic stress and exhaustion.
Chronic stress can largely affect our level of well-being, health, our job performance and our relationships. New advances in neuroscience and health research have led to a better understanding of stress and its relevance to one’s health and performance:
The vicious cycle of chronic stress
When stressed for a longer period of time, our concentration, motivation, creativity and self-esteem drop. We also often become more irritable and/or withdrawn from co-workers, family and friends. This often leads to more fights and misunderstandings in our relationships which add to the already mounting sources of stress. At this point, keeping up with the demands of our job and other tasks becomes more and more difficult. We feel overwhelmed and frustrated. We put in longer hours, yet accomplish less. As a consequence, we start questioning our abilities, our confidence, ourselves….
A bulletproof system to skyrocket your stress level
So, if you want to keep the vicious cycle of chronic stress in full swing then putting in long hours despite increasing exhaustion, undermining your social support system and unleashing your inner critic are crucial steps to achieving a high level of chronic stress.
But wait, there is more you can do in order to make sure you skyrocket your stress level! Want to take your stress to the next level…? Then simply ensure that you are under constant pressure of time! It is one of the most important external stress factors and is particularly powerful when you are exposed to it for a long period of time. Here are a few practical tips and guidelines in order to do so:
1. No Rest For The Wicked:
Make sure to not plan breaks in between your tasks and appointments. You don’t need a coffee break or something to eat or a bathroom break. Simply schedule your appointments back to back. Ignore that you may have to change the room or make an important call in between. That way, you ensure that you constantly have to solve new problems. This behavior certainly does not allow for boredom!
2. Meet The Ultimate Challenge Every Single Day:
When taking on a new project, allow for as short a period of time to finish it as possible. Simply ignore that you already have another 10 projects to finish and promise your boss that the project will be done by tomorrow!
3. Breaks Are A Waste Of Time:
There might be times when you feel tempted to take a break. Resist that temptation! Breaks are non-productive and a waste of time. Your body and mind are a low-maintenance machine and simply have to function with the bare minimum of care! You don’t need time for a breather!
Plus, what on earth would you do during those gaps? Simply overload your schedule from morning till evening!
When stressed, we often stop taking good care of ourselves and by that, deplete our last energy resources. Mounting sources of stress become more difficult to deal with and over time can wreak havoc to our bodies. Constant pressure of time is the single most powerful external stress factor and largely adds to our stress level. By taking 5-10 minute breaks in between tasks we tire less throughout the day. Making room for breakfast and lunch during your busy day will help refuel mind and body and give you a much needed energy and creativity boost for your work. Setting realistic deadlines will help you to stay on top of things and save you quite some nightmares.