Stop Waiting Around!
Posted on September 03, 2014 by Victoria Coronado, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
We spend an awful lot of our time in our lives waiting. It is exhausting. Yet, it is an illusion from which you can free yourself right now!
The concept of waiting is built upon the structure of time, which is no more than the idea that something has come before and that something comes after this exact moment. Either we remember a past reality that no longer exists, or project a future reality that has not yet manifested. We entirely miss the only Reality which is now.
The concepts of past and future are something that we (collectively) have created as anchors to this illusion. We feel safest when it can “pin” an event in time, and create a narrative around our life experiences. Yet, this sets us up for a number of scenarios in which we either long for the past or wait for the future.
Instead, we can simply let go of waiting for the step, the next moment, the next day, and the next milestone. We can make a practice of being fully in the now, and allow each moment to unfold as it will. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t consider and make plans for the future, but we must be willing to surrender those plans at any time to Reality. Instead of clinging to an imagined future, fully invest in this moment, right now.
The next time you’re standing in line at the grocery store, instead of impatiently waiting, tune in to the sounds around you, feel the air upon your skin, or notice the ground beneath your feet. Instead of letting your mind wander to the past or future, be fully present in that moment. Receive the gifts that moment has to offer you (the laughter of a child, the smell of fresh produce, the sweetness of the little lady in front of you counting her pennies) for what is Eternal can only be found in these things. Let go of the illusion of waiting, and find Reality in the now.