How To Let Brain Sunshine In By Focusing On Your Strengths
Posted on September 01, 2014 by Hanneberit Hahnemann, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
How to become happier in your work and life, by simply becoming familiar with you signature strengths and how best to use them.
If you could develop one new skill, habit, or regular practice this year, what would it be?
I’m going to suggest one that you may not have thought of — focusing on your signature strengths. Of all of the skills, habits, and practices I’ve worked on with clients over the years, it’s one I’ve seen have particularly profound effects, often in surprising ways. What are signature strengths, you ask? They are strengths we have that we take ownership of and recognize as yes, that’s me! The ones that identify us and set us apart from others. They come naturally and easily because they are integral parts of us. If you haven’t given much thought to signature strengths, however, don’t despair – you are one of many; you are probably much more aware of your signature weaknesses, also called your shortcomings. “Lazy procrastinator with no boundaries” was how one person described herself to me today. “Unpractical and incapable of making money”, was another. And, do I ever go down this useless self criticism lane myself? Ahem, yes! But, as a positive psychology coach, I am a witness to the amazing benefits the opposite has for our mental health and happiness. And I don’t just mean niceties and compliments; I am talking about a hard core emphasis at how we can better use our signature strengths for a better life.
Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, found that people who consciously shifted their focus from their shortcomings to their strengths, gained significantly more happiness than they had before. Even severely depressed people were notably more optimistic when this important focus shifted. Seligman suggests that we look at those traits in a different light, and allow them to take a much bigger part in our lives. If we take some time to allow our good characteristics to really shine and stand out, how could it not have an effect on how we think and behave? After all, what we look for, is what we will see and what we focus on, is what we become. So let’s become great. Not disenchanted and fearful. In with the brain sunshine and out with all the toxic! You may have been told it’s in bad taste to dwell on your assets, but that advice is outdated and hasn’t served anyone well. Positive dwelling is highly recommended for your mental health and productivity!!
If you are unsure about your top signature strengths, you can find out at Take the VIA test, (also called Values in Action Signature Strengths test – it’s free and takes about 10-15 minutes or so). You can also get the Strengths Finders book by Tom Rath on or in book stores.
Once you know what they are, here are a few ways to let in the brain sunshine; write down your 5 signature strengths and do the following:
1. List when you remember using each trait in the last week. Describe how you used each one.
2. Think of an area in your life that needs progress, and list 3 ways you can apply each of your strengths to better that particular area.
3. Here is one of Martin Seligman’s suggestions from the book Flourish: Set aside time to exercise one or more of your signature strengths in a new way either at work or at home. For example: if creativity is one of your strengths, choose perhaps one evening to work on a screenplay.
4. Think of a way you can use one of your strengths to better a relationship with either a relative, partner, spouse or friend.
You were put in this world to shine! Keep the focus on your amazing uniqueness, gifts and wonders!