Do Your Dreams Fit Your Rituals? Take The Test!
Posted on August 23, 2014 by Hanneberit Hahnemann, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
If you knew how, wouldn't you align your rituals to make your dreams come true? Find out how close you are to living the life you were meant to live!
Have you ever wondered about the differences between people who are successful in their goals and people who are not? I’m always fascinated by the principles and philosophies surrounding success. Let’s face it, lots of people have awesome plans and inspiring dreams, but we also know that plenty fail to follow through to the end, leaving their dreams remain unfulfilled wishes.
I often think about what separates the folks who actually make their dreams come true, from those who give up on the halfway mark? Sure, some of it depends on resilience, support systems and passion. But even if you have all of those plus lots of talent, there is one thing that successful people always bring to the table ,and that is daily, non-negotiable rituals.
As a former professional violinist, I have performed with many famous, extremely successful artists and have seen their rituals up close and personal. These people come from various parts of the world, play different instruments and different genres of music, but the common denominator is that they all had a tough, ritualistic work ethic that was set in place early on, with a razor sharp aim right at their goals. And I’m talking brushing-your-teeth kind of rituals. I don’t know a single successful artist who didn’t practice all day long for a good part of a decade or two.
But, not every ritual has to be as dramatic as that; in fact, every lifestyle has a ritual behind it. People who value healthy eating have one, people who are not into fitness and eating healthy, have different ones. People who are successful in starting a new business or switching career have rituals too. Purposeful, thought through rituals, that are aimed straight at the end result. Nothing wishy washy about it. And then there are people who do the opposite of the result they really want, such as wanting to lose weight but hanging out at the pizza joint every night after work. Like walking West when what you really want is a beautiful sun rise.
So, here’s a question for you: what rituals do you have and how do they fit in with what you really want? Are they congruent with your goals or are they actually in the way?
If your goal is to get a great relationship, do you spend most of your free time at home or are you out being social, getting to know people? If you are wanting to lose weight, do you have rituals that reflect that goal or are you going in the opposite direction?
Or, if you want to be successful in business, do your daily rituals reflect all you need to do to get to that goal?
To get clarity, here’s a coaching exercise:
1. Write down your goal(s). What do you want right now?
2. For the next 3 days, write down what you do first thing in the morning, before and during work, and after you get home until you go to bed.
3. After you see on paper what your rituals look like, write down how they help you get to what you really want.
4 If need be, rewrite your rituals to match your end goal.
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