Got Joy?
Posted on August 21, 2014 by Janette Valentino, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Would you like to experience more Joy? Read on to find out how you can go on a Joy Expedition to bring more Joy into your life daily.
Joy is a common theme in my coaching – clients missing it, defining it, searching for it, feeling it in ways they never have before. It’s one of those things that people talk about wanting, but until they really think about it, they might not really even know what it feels like. So one of the assignments I often give clients is to go on a Joy Expedition. As you know, what we focus on gets stronger. So getting more information about Joy and exploring it can only serve to bring more of it in. So no matter what you discover, it sounds like you’ll win regardless.
So Question 1: What does joy feel like for you? When you feel it, is there a particular sensation in your body somewhere? Maybe you feel it in your chest, an opening in your heart or maybe a warmth in your stomach, or maybe it’s a tingly sensation all over your body. Do a little research and bring some awareness to this in the next few weeks and see what you discover. When we get more in touch with the feelings in our body, we can experience emotions in an even deeper way. It’s not just a ‘head-y’ experience of ‘oh hey, I’m feeling pretty happy right now.’ Instead, if we can actually feel it in our bodies as well, it allows us to connect with the joy in a different way. When we focus on this, we can prolong the feeling and experience it more fully.
Ok, ready for the next question? #2: What kinds of things bring you joy and when was the last time you experienced it? (I know, I’m tricky and snuck two questions in there!) Think back to yesterday or last week, and recall the times that you felt joyful. Many times when I first ask my clients this, they say it has been a while. Then they think more carefully and they almost always come up with several moments when they felt true and pure joy – sometimes very recently. Sometimes these were brief moments. And since they were brief, it’s easy to forget they were there. A lot of times, when we start talking about it, my clients realize that they actually have many joyful moments and times. It just hasn’t been their focus.
The thing is, when there are things to get done and challenges to be met, it is often THESE things that get our focus. We need to figure out the next steps to something or make sure that everyone/everything is taken care of as it needs to be. And when we focus on THIS….yes, you guessed it. Then we get and see and feel more of it – the problems to be solved, the things to be done. So instead, what might happen if you bring some of that focus onto those joyful moments you have each day – no matter how small they may seem? And once you start noticing what brings you joy and when you feel it, you can do what you can to call In even more of those experiences.
OK. That brings us to Part 3 of the Joy Expedition. When you DO feel joy – in whatever way – linger in this joy space a little bit longer than usual and see what happens. This step is almost automatic once we do #1 and #2 since the more awareness we have about joy, the more we understand, ‘Wow, this joy thing is pretty cool. I think I want to feel more of this.’ And this step can be especially rewarding for people going through a challenging time. Sadness & Joy are on the same continuum – more joy just means less sadness and vice versa. When we’re in the midst of sadness it’s important to be there. AND finding, noticing and being IN a Joy moment can be a wonderful part of the healing process – a way to move through the sadness/challenge in an easeful way.
So, I invite you to go on your own Joy Expedition. Explore the feelings of joy – see it, notice it, feel it, express it. Find it wherever you can. Be curious about how it shows up and enJOY.