MindCoaching for Physical Fitness
Posted on August 05, 2014 by Anurama Suresh, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Want to be physically fit? See how Shwetha (name changed to maintain confidentiality of client) used MindCoaching to lose 7 kgs of weight!!
Shwetha’s (name changed) weight seemed to increase everyday. Her New Year resolution towards joining the gym in the last 3 years seemed effective hardly for a month or two. Though she takes a brisk half an hour walk everyday, it did not seem to have any effect on her weight.
When she had called for the MindCoaching sessions, Shwetha had a big list of stuff that did not work for her – different diet routines, gym, morning walk sessions, tablets to lose weight, cycling, etc. She was actually doubtful how few sessions with a MindCoach would help her solve her issue.
As we worked towards her goal for physical fitness, her limiting beliefs were stopping her to visualize herself being physically fit and active. When I used Gestalt therapy with her to find out what was limiting her from losing weight, she came up with one of her worst fears – “One day or the other, I am going to become too fat just to burst out like a balloon”. When she confronted this fear, she understood how she had let the fear take control of her. Techniques on NLP and mind conditioning helped her to let go the fear and to take control of her life.
She is happy to have lost 7 kgs of weight and continues to be in the state of “super-conscious” to stay physically fit.
Anurama Suresh,