Honor YourSelf!
Posted on July 10, 2014 by Coach Arthur, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
life, life coach, life coaching, higher level, coaching, inspiration, motivation, support, wisdom, self motivation,opera,truth
Once God places you on a HIGHER LEVEL:
You cannot go back to what you knew before!
You cannot settle for old stuff that is now beneath you!
You cannot regress into an old, low level comfort zone!
The old manner of getting ahead has changed!
The dynamic of your future has been set in high gear!
Your paradigm has shifted upward and onward!
What you use to “rely” on, you can’t rely on that anymore!
The lower rungs on your ladder to success no longer exist!
Don’t cry when old methods don’t work anymore. DRY THOSE TEARS!
Stop looking back!
Stop running backwards!
And, don’t look down!
Come out from under that low place!
Change your behavior, attitude and confidence to match your NEW HIGHER LEVEL!
You are not only on a different level
These were my encouraging WORDS for today, especially after receiving an email with “not so cool” news. When I realized that what I was shooting for was beneath me, I dried my tears.
I’m ABOVE only and not BENEATH! I’m the HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL! – Deuteronomy 28:13
And, the ALTITUDE up here is just fine and dandy!
Gwen Brown
Opera Singer
Fisk University
C/O 87