How do you Find Life Clarity as an Artist?
Posted on July 04, 2014 by Emily Correa, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
When are you really "free"?
What is life clarity? Well this is how it goes…as a child you were living “free”…free of societal expectations, of financial obligations and of limits on who and what you could be in this life.
Like a lot of children, you enjoyed life in a joyous way at times, using your imagination to foresee what you could do to amazingly contribute to others with your natural gifts and aspirations.
In other words, you most likely had DREAMS. Fresh, vibrant dreams and musings to be a successful …artist, singer, model, actor, astronaut, explorer, super hero! Whatever it was, you had those dreams, and you were sure of it and I bet you told people (most likely those parents of yours) about them.
But then no one really paid attention to them, like what happened to me..something required for helping you flourish. So you left your dream behind, confused as to why. And as layers of societal expectations fell on you with each year, one day you wake up, not sure what you were meant to be in the first place.
Or rather, you fought on anyways and along that road of being an artist, entertainer, etc. you heard the naysayers, those people who didn’t believe in you and told you so to your face or spoke behind your back…telling you societal expectations that “there is no money in arts” and “don’t be a starving artist” statements that would break your confidence and spirit, stated simply they WOULD NEVER SUCCEED in the arts themselves, even if they TRIED.
Stated out of jealousy, or to falsely “help or protect you” or because frankly, no one believed in THEIR DREAMS when they were a child or teen.Or rather, they had DREAMS and after experiencing the downfalls, and ups and downs of going after their own dreams, they simply GAVE UP.
So you pursue your art NOW, but because of those false beliefs put into your mind and some of your own experiences, you look at your life path and sometimes, you are just not SURE if you’re meant to really pursue it.
You debate in your head about it, and do side jobs to balance out your troubles. And then you start secretly thinking that maybe “they” are right..maybe you will fail.
Or maybe, the scenario for you is this: You are an artist, you are doing well, but frankly, you haven’t planned out the next 5 years, let alone next year or even tomorrow.
You have NO GAME PLAN. You are sorta “winging it“, living the bohemian “artist’s life“, taking whatever jobs come your way, without really ANY structure, direction or plan except to SUCCEED, GET RICH and BE FAMOUS.
But you end up exhausted and confused over time, not being efficient at all with your decisions.
All of those situations and a few more is the TOPIC of LIFE CLARITY that I coach on.
To succeed in any endeavor, ESPECIALLY the arts, you need to:
Be 100% sure of your talents and giftsKnow you were born with these gifts and they will never go away..(you will die with them too)
Commit to you gifts and know you will BATTLE for your gifts to survive then THRIVE and PROSPER over time (all things take time…)
To commit to your gifts takes bravery and awareness, two things that are really tough to come to terms with..because bravery has to be against the world, but also against yourself. Yes, all the negative parts of you that tell you to give up your art.
This part of you (by the way is completely normal and everyone has it…I call it the dark side of a person..) is in a way trying to protect you from harm, so it’s helpful at times but also desperately trying to keep you in your comfort zone and AWAY from your POTENTIAL SUCCESS.
It’s sometimes a jealous part of you, and it definitely needs to be controlled.
So how do you do this? Well for one, work with a certified professional like me who can help you understand your deeper self, fight against this flawed part of you, and help you commit to a life of success and art expression NOW.
But what about awareness? How is a coach helpful for that? Well because I act like a mirror with you.
It is very hard to look at oneself objectively and go “Oh, this is where I am messing up!”.
We all have blind spots, how are you able to see those? And when your friends and family tell you their “opinions” on you, really…how are you sure?
And if you ARE self-aware, how COMMITTED are you to frankly, not be lazy and make some strong life changes?
It’s a pretty weak direction, that causes a ripple effect in your life over the long term where you will NEVER REACH YOUR POTENTIAL TRULY.
Well what I do with my work on LIFE CLARITY is this; I compassionately witness the TRUTH about my clients, much like a psychologist and help crack open that awareness for them.
I am trained and skilled in observing a person’s energy, aura, vocal tone, thought patterns, negative and success-attracting beliefs, values.
I quickly analyze a person during a session and share it much like a mirror to my clients, providing those “Aha moments” you couldn’t do on your own. It’ pretty powerful stuff.
And what happens when you realize your true gifts, commit to them 150% and have a game plan moving forward? This is a huge shift!
You start shifting your energy within with new, success-focused perspectives. Anxiety goes away because now you have a plan. You move forward post session with the focus of a WARRIOR.
Next what happens is your renewed energy starts speaking to others around you in new ways, and people can tell.
Enough of this then the universe starts opening up to you as you are falling into ALIGNMENT with your destiny.
Yes, you are using your FREE WILL to connect with your DESTINY, this a law of the universe.
Little by little, the ways circumstances react, affect and revolve around you, just like the planets around the sun, starts shifting into new rotations. You start becoming really sure now of who you are and what you are meant to do, because in our session we got all the debris from the past and false belies out of the way.
Then you are born again as a stage…and moving closer to your alignment until finally you hit your peak, and you are right on your destiny and getting a lot of success!
That is the POWER of LIFE CLARITY in your life. It is a lot of work, but the first topic I look at to fix up with my clients.
I send many blessings to all who have read this moving forward, so you can get closer to your true path and live in bliss with your gifts every day,
Inspirationally your Muze,
Emily Correa