“5 Simple Steps to Count Your Way to Success Daily”
Posted on July 02, 2014 by Julie Jones Hamilton, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
What if by counting your fingers you could be reminded of 5 easy ways to ground lasting results in achieve your success? This is a powerful tool!
I was reminded of a way to create success when my massage therapist who I see weekly as part of my overall well-being, was working on my hand. I remembered my mentor sharing this simple technique, which creates tremendous success if applied on a continuous basis. I usually begin my day stretching and when I come to my hands I start with my thumb. I encourage you to give this a try every day for a week and see if by using this simple reminder, you too can count your way to success!1. Thumb – Thumbs Up! It’s a brand new day, a never again repeatable day. It’s a day with a clean, white canvas which allows me the opportunity to paint bold, bright colors of thoughts that give me life. I can choose today what I would love my day to look like, feel like and be like by choosing the thoughts that are empowering. By choosing successful, productive, encouraging thoughts I give myself a “thumbs up”!
2. Pointer Finger – Point My Way. My first finger points the way towards my day. This allows me to stay focused on what is going on in front of me and allows me to release and let go of what occurred yesterday. This is a new day to create what is necessary to move me forward toward my goals, dreams and desires. I may be unable to change yesterday, however, I am able to change the way I look at things today. Today I move forward in a positive and productive manner.
3. Middle Finger – Flick Fear in the Face. I use my middle finger to remind myself that fear is the acronym of F- False, E-Evidence, A- Appearing, R- Real. Many times what I might fear hardly ever comes to pass. We have a tendency to spend too much time being worried, anxious or fearful when seldom whatever has grabbed our attention ever really happens. So what if when I notice fear, I flick it in the face and remember it’s only a thought and I have the power to change my thoughts. I could think of my goals and rewards; I could think of my dreams and desires; I could think of the next successful move to make while I keep focusing forward.
4. Ring Finger – Making a Commitment. The ring finger or the fourth finger is considered the “lifeline to the heart”. We place a ring upon this finger during marriage ceremonies to be reminded of the commitment we made. What if we make a commitment to ourselves, to our success, to our own healthy thoughts and happiness? What if we stood guard at the gateway of our own thoughts allowing in only the thoughts which allows us to feel good, do good and be good in all of our affairs? This reminder alone has the power to change the trajectory of our success.
5. Pinky Finger – Baby Steps. It is said… “Baby steps will take you all the way up Mount Everest”. Success begins with the first step. In taking small continued baby steps towards your goal you will discover a certain speed and momentum which will eventually create a quantum leap. Action is the fuel in creating any success. Intentional action requires a road map or blueprint, which accelerates the desired results. Map out your plans, create your blueprint and use each finger on your hand to direct you into a day of successful action and you will notice significant results before you are half way through.
I offer successful techniques in creating blueprints, vision statements and business plans to move you toward your success. We could all use helpful tips and reminders to guide us into a day of successful actions. It could be as easy as counting the fingers on your hand!