A Man Is Not A Plan
Posted on July 01, 2014 by Nancy Mueller, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
You found your perfect soul mate, you planned the for the big day, you said "I Do" in front of all your friends and family members...
Now that you have settled down for “Happily Ever After” what comes next?
Goals and your future success are fun to think about, but seldom do we think about death, divorce, job loss, sickness, or accidents that you never saw coming.
Q: When do you think about money most often?
A: “When you are experiencing a lack of money!”
Even the best of relationships can be put to the test when something happens to the major stream of income in your life. If your major stream of income depends on another person, when will you give yourself permission to create financial independence in your life so that you are able to support yourself, should the need arise.
Every woman has a tremendous Inner Strength as well as a talent that is unique to her. When you understand that the unique gift that is “you” gives you a tremendous opportunity to create a life of abundance and financial security, you will begin to look for ways to share your gifts and talents.
When you understand what you are passionate about, and you find a way to earn a living with that passion, you will never work another day in your life. Too many women remain in a less than satisfactory relationship or career because they don’t believe they can find a way to support themselves in a different way.
If your self talk is telling you that you don’t have the right education, the right skills or the knowledge to financially support yourself, then it is time for you to change your self talk. Our self talk comes from the same stories we have told ourselves over and over throughout our lives. Pay attention to the words you use on a daily basis. If you find yourself using dis-empowering words such as, "I can’t, I don’t know how, I’m not good enough, I’ll never figure this out (the list can be endless) then it is time to change your vocabulary.
Your vocabulary (the words you choose) creates the story that becomes your life because you continue to tell yourself that your life can not be changed. Change your words, change your vocabulary, and it will change your life.
Nancy Mueller