Dancing to the Music of Your Own Heart
Posted on September 10, 2010 by Bernette Sherman, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Be honest about what you want to do, be, and experience. And get busy dancing to the music of your heart.
How many times have you seen or heard about someone who did something amazing or unusual and thought to yourself, ‘I wish I had the guts’ or ‘if only I could do that’. We allow ourselves to experience life through other people, rather than experiencing life through our own lives. I believe we are here for the physical experience and the lessons that come with it. We are here to enjoy the reality of our physical beings blended with the metaphysical reality that we are more than just physical beings. But too often we allow societal norms and expectations to govern our experiences, put us in boxes, put tape across it with a nice bow and say ‘there, now you’ll fit in’.
I have had the privilege (hmmm, is that how it can be described?) of being given many opportunities for not fitting in. I learned very early that being like everyone else wasn’t necessary. I could survive being different. It wasn’t always easy and it still isn’t always easy, but the rewards can be life-changing and life-affirming. Dancing on the edge of normalcy means sometimes putting caution in the box, while you step out. It means taking the bow off and taking a little risk. It means honoring yourself and your own expectations ahead of society’s expectations and sometimes tuning out the whole world so you can listen to the music of your heart.
One day I may write my life story and when I do, I want it to read like a fiction novel. The kind that inspires people to live. I want it to remind people that they were given this life to experience, not just get through, going through the daily motions of survival. If that were all we were to do, we’d have come as turtles or flies. But instead you came a powerful being, able to create with the use of your body, your mind, your spirit the life you desire. Able to overcome any obstacle you confront. Able to move through the discomfort of stepping out of the square dance so you can explore something new. We have a finite amount of time here. You have things you are supposed to be doing and experiencing. Do them. Experience them. Live them. Be honest about what you want to do, be, and experience. And get busy dancing to the music of your heart.
A song I enjoy listening to reminds me of this. It’s by Kris Allen and it’s call “Live Like We’re Dying”. You may find it here. http://s0.ilike.com/play#Kris+Allen:Live+Like+We%27re+Dying:148310003:s57217187.13742252.1173168.0.2.239%2Cstd_bab95c082c554dee9e60d9c59f3ddd14 When I hear it I am reminded that our time is limited and we have to live now, stop wasting time. Like Morgan Freeman said in The Shawshank Redemption “get busy living’, or get busy dying’. Might I suggest you get busy living?
Bernette is Practice Manager, a coach, and therapist at Wonder Works Center. She works with individuals and couples as a life coach, relationship coach, womens coach, Reiki Therapist, and Crystal and Gemstone Therapist.