The Relationship...
Posted on June 08, 2014 by James Harrigan, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
A personal journal entry from Life Coach James Harrigan discussing the relationship with ourself.
The word Relationship is such a general word that I feel we as a society tend to narrow.. of course, however, I may be misspeaking.
This word to me as myself is very general yet it is not.
Relationships with friends,
Relationships with family
Relationships with lovers
Relationships with colleagues
Relationships with acquaintances…
They’re all connected and for me they lead me to the relationship with myself.
I am a constant seeker of me. Who am I? Why am I as I am? Why am I constantly looking for more from myself? It is when I am alone in the quiet that I am inspired… by me. I am aware of this. I am proud of this.
I’ve recently been dividing my “life(s)” into timelines. I feel we as humans compartmentalize most things- some more than others of course. I’ve had many lives already and many relationships- all of which has made me who I am in this moment in a parking lot of all places.
I have a childhood life.
I have a teen life.
I have a cancer life.
I have a young, confused adult living in Manhattan life.
I have an unnamed life in between the above that has brought me to this parking lot.
I’ve had so many relationships that I’ve had to heal, be thankful for, and learn from- big and small. I continue to learn from these regularly and think of them often:
A Relationship with my childhood.
A Relationship with my sexuality.
A Relationship with cancer.
A Relationship with career decisions.
A Relationship with my friends- past, present, future and the brief acquaintances.
A Relationship with money.
A Relationship with debt.
A Relationship with my family- all stages, ever evolving and all encompassing the above notations and every statement I utter.
We are privileged beings and we tend to forget what is in front of us and especially what is behind us. We also tend to neglect reflection in order to realign and continue to move forward constantly as individual souls. We forget to be thankful- not for what we physically have, but for who we are.
-Inspire Yourself.