Is Fear Your Excuse For Not Reaching Your Goals?
Posted on May 27, 2014 by Margaret Baker-Street, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Is fear holding you back? Discover how fear is irrational thinking...And is not serving you.
Do you believe in fear? Some say fear is a mere series of reactions of chemicals that are triggered by perceived danger. Others say fear is a survival mechanism to prepare us for dealing with danger. A vital response to physical and emotional danger. To hear some of these definitions, one would think that we would vaporize without fear. We won’t.
The biggest successes I’ve had, I did without giving myself a chance to ‘think my way out of it’, because that’s when the boogey men make their appearance…..Giving something just enough thought and fending off the ’we’re all going to die if you do this!’ thoughts is a balancing act.
Fear extinguishes our visions. You have the vision, you can see it, you can feel the delight that your vision carries. Then you start thinking….A LOT…That’s your first mistake, ‘but what if this or that happens’, ’they’re ALL going to laugh at me if I fail’, ‘I might lose everything’, so you give up moving towards your goals. Some may call this rational thinking, because you are thinking of everything that could go wrong so that you don’t invest all your money in your golf buddy’s pipe cleaner start up.
But it’s not rational thinking. Rational thinking is thinking of these obstacles that may occur beforehand, and then brainstorming for solutions to clear these obstacles from your path, having back up either financially or emotionally, while you get your ideas off the ground until you soar! Irrational thinking is quitting your job, building a shoe shine box and standing on the corner waiting to make big bucks, OR thinking of your ideal life, then giving up before you even started. That’s irrational thinking.
What one should fear, is coming to the end of your human existence never even having tried to achieve what you believe would be a blissful life time.
You are a particle of the Source, and fear cannot exist within the Source. If your intentions are true and respectful towards this life and others, it is never a ‘fail’.