Letting God Direct Your Life
Posted on May 27, 2014 by Victoria Coronado, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
You can develop a deep trust in the flow of your life when you practice discerning the leading of God.
There is a deep current that runs throughout the background of our lives, like a river flowing continuously which will always guide us on our journey. Through the practices of meditation and contemplative prayer, we become alert to this leading and direction. We learn to trust that the current will always take us in the direction of our Highest Good, even when it doesn’t appear that way at first.
It takes practice to learn how to discern the leading of God. We often want to jump to conclusions about the meaning behind certain things we see and experience. We may try to run ahead and makes plans, or be resistant and try to dam the flow of the River. But with time, patience, and practice, we can come to a place of trust in the Divine flow of our lives. We can relax and float upon the River, letting It take us where It pleases, instead of frantically trying to see around the next bend.
When something unexpected comes into our lives, we can learn to view things from a higher perspective. We can see that the scenery on our path may change, yet there is still a path. Even if we perceive that we have come to a fork-in-the-road, we can trust that either path will be equally beneficial to our Highest Good. We can open to exploring a part of the path that we hadn’t noticed before, sit and rest a while if we feel weary, and find fellowship with others travelers.
We must be willing to let go of the security of the well-known path we have traveled. Where we were led to go last year, last month, or last week, is not necessary where we will be led to go today. Through meditation we learn to focus this moment, and nothing else. Through prayer we learn to ask for leading in this moment, and trust that if we need to do something different in the future, we will know it in that moment. When we develop trust in the goodness of God’s plan, we find we can easily let go and let God direct our lives.