Torturing Yourself With What You Need to Fix About You? Put That on the List!
Posted on May 06, 2014 by Margaret Baker-Street, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Do you rehash in your mind your weaknesses over and over, instead of your strengths? A way to turn your thoughts of weakness to acts of strength!
What are your strengths? I challenge you to get paper and pen and begin listing your strengths. Not just tangible things that you’re good at, or that people tell you your good at, but also the intangible…patience, tolerance, kindness, spirituality…Now write a brief description of how that strength saved you or someone else. Where it served you!
Of course this exercise has a part two, now lets look at what you could improve upon. List those next.
Now, on the list of your things that could be improved upon, is there anything that you can delegate out? For example, ‘bad at paying bills on time’ can be delegated to an auto pay system. Always late, can be delegated to setting your clock five minutes early, etc…Or, I’m not good at mowing the lawn, can be delegated by giving a neighborhood kid $10 to mow the lawn.
This exercise not only lists your strengths and encourages you to remember what you have to offer others, whether in casual relationships or intimate relationships, but it also gets your creative juices going in order to solve the problems that you may be unconscious or consciously beating yourself up for unnecessarily. It gives you a proactive way to look at your weaknesses and address them directly and constructively.
Be proud of yourself when you come up with solutions, test them, and if they don’t work, it’s a new opportunity to get creative again! Be proud that you are proactive, and not hiding from areas that need improvement. And remember to back up every area of improvement with a strength!