Spice up that romantic relationship, add SALT
Posted on May 05, 2014 by Margaret Baker-Street, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Want to find the passion and newness you once had? A dash of SALT will do it. But don't look in the kitchen....
Are you beginning to dread the weekends? Does the thought of 2 days and 3 nights with that other adult who resides at the same address as you got you wishing for overtime? What happened to counting the minutes before you were together again? What happened to listening for the sound of their car to pull into the drive way? Relax, that appreciation for your partner is not gone. It’s just buried in the mundane sounds and sights of every day life. The in and out sameness of life is covering up the unique qualities that you celebrated at one time in your partner.
My advice to spice things up? SALT. SALT is not as boring as you think, it has the power to ignite passion, to bring tears of joy, to send you and your partner into a full meaningful embrace! Wait! Where are you going? Come back from the kitchen! SALT stands for Sincerity, Appreciation, Lovingly Told.
Here is the recipe for SALT:
Go to bed 10 minutes early
You each have a notepad and pen
You both at the same time & in silence will speand 5 minutes writing 3 statements to the other that start with, “I am grateful for the way you (fill in the blank)”, or, “I am grateful for the fact that you are (fill in the blank)”, and, “(fill in the blank) about you is the thing about you that adds beauty to my life!” you get the idea.
You will now take turns back and forth reading your SALT to each other. In order to make SALT work, you must look deeply into each other’s eyes while communicating, it must be sincere, and you should be touching in some way, even if it’s footsies.
Here’s the cherry on top, when the lists are completly read, you must thank each other & embrace for 10 seconds AT LEAST! And a kiss goodnight AT LEAST!
SALT to taste nightly!
Margaret Baker-Street, Relationship Coach, Certified Life Coach