100 Affirmations for Self Love
Posted on April 28, 2014 by Cynthia Djengue, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
I teach Self Love. The only way we can improve health and happiness, soul wellness and body love is through Self Love.
Affirmations written by Cynthia Djengue, Self Love Alchemy Coach (copyright 2014)
Body Love
1. My body is a temple of love and magnificence.
2. I love my body, it takes me where I want to go in life.
3. God has been healing my body and I get to work on the rest.
4. My body is my best friend, she knows when I need sleep, food, and sex.
5. I know what to give my body and it thanks me for caring for it.
Self Esteem or Self Worth
6. I recognize my strengths and use them to help others.
7. My worth is not wrapped up in words or descriptions, I get to decide how wonderful I am.
8. Persons see the goodness inside me and I reflect it back to them.
9. I don’t respond to attacks on my esteem, rather I continue to love myself.
10. “Women who love themselves are threatening; but men who love real women, more so.” Naomi Wolf
Shame be Gone
11. “You are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. But you won’t discover this until you are willing to stop banging your head against the wall of shaming and caging and fearing yourself. – Geneen Roth
12. I look to others who recognize the innocence of my soul and intentions.
13. My past is not my present and my present is Perfect.
14. Who said the past matters? It simply is a story unfolding, not the outcome.
15. I look at myself with the deepest of love and respect.
Being Overweight
16. The scale does not measure my motivation nor my lifestyle. 17. If I look at the diversity of women in the world, I fit right in. 18. Weight can get heavy, but so can words. I choose to use words that make me feel lighter. 19. Fat is a concept not a curse word. I like my fat, its part of me. 20. I don’t obsess about weight. I obsess about being Whole.
Having Imperfections
21. Imperfectly perfect. I have learned to love my imperfections.
22. I am so glad that I was made unique.
23. What creates character? A character with flaws.
24. Beauty has beauty’s marks.
25. I admire my ability to find imperfections in life. It grounds me in reality.
26. Friendships with others make me realize more of who I am.
27. A friendship lost is another one gained. Glad I made room for the new one.
28. My friends are able to give me necessary feedback.
29. I am glad I have friends who are just as human as I am.
30. Thanking the Universe for girlfriends!
31. My purpose has meaning. My life is meaningful. 32. “Sometimes it’s the same moments that take your breath away that breathe purpose and love back into your life.” – Steve Maraboli 33. A purpose in life creates a swelling of energy in my heart. 34. I choose purpose over profit. 35. Purpose in relationships helps me to be a better partner.