Noticing Plateaus + Re-inventing Yourself
Posted on March 29, 2014 by Julie Varughese, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Your plateau is where you stop in life.
Ah, I love playing games.
You may remember me writing a month ago about how some of my teammates in a coaches training program relate to monthly practices as homework. My teammates declared they would fulfill 100 percent of our monthly practices for our tenth month of training. I led the game for that month.
I noticed where I typically stopped: around 95 percent. I usually left behind the one practice I couldn’t be with.
Fast forward five weeks, I fulfilled 96 percent. (I still had one I chose not to be with. I roared when I realized how slippery my Survival Mechanism is that it would have me turning a blind eye to the one practice.)
My team fared far worse with a 58-percent average. It occurred to me that this wasn’t the first time we reached that number under my leadership. A project I led in the summer to raise $10,354 to pay off our team’s balance also ended with only 58 percent fundraised by my team.
I was bewildered. This was MY plateau. I didn’t know how to catapult myself off it. I believed I had done everything I could possibly do to lead the game to 100% fulfillment.
Your plateau is where you stop in life.
The first thing I did was own my plateau. Hey, I’m a 58 percent-kind-of-gal.
The second thing I did was ask: “Who do I need to BE in order to fulfill 100 percent?”
I was stumped.
The next morning, I showed up at the second day of our weekend of training and realized I needed to BE Executive. Note, I wrote BE Executive, instead of BE an Executive.
For me, Executive doesn’t mean suit and tie. But this is how Executive does resonate for me:
Executive = Power + Grace + Heart
The being of Executive has turned out to be quite an empowering one. So empowering that I’ve been filtering every thought and action through it. How would an Executive eat? How would an Executive run their business? How would an Executive start their day?
I’ll let you know how Executive goes for me. I believe the key here is to remain unattached to this new being. I get that I’ll need to re-invent myself each time I want to create something new.
What about you? What is your plateau? Who do you need to be to move up and off it?