Discovering your true passion, purpose & talent!
Posted on March 26, 2014 by Jessica Cooper, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Once you discover your purpose—your reason for being, you can then determine your passion—how you will live out that purpose. And what you’ll use to
Discovering your true passion, purpose & talent
If you thought your special talent was changing a diaper in 30 seconds—while, pumping breast milk—while, scheduling your son’s next soccer game and your daughter’s next choir rehearsal—all while on your 15 minute break at work—(that’s impressive!) BUT, I would like to encourage you to reconsider.
Your talent is a tool you use to accomplish your passion, which is birthed from your purpose.
Once you discover your purpose—your reason for being, you can then determine your passion—how you will live out that purpose. And what you’ll use to help fulfil your passion, is your gifting, or talent.
Mommynization believes that one of the key components to finding true fulfillment as a mom and mompreneur, is to make the necessary time to live out your life’s true purpose!
Still haven’t quite attained personal fulfillment or realized your entrepreneurial passion? We can help! Connect with me at