Create, Nurture, Destroy- For a Healthy Relationship
Posted on March 05, 2014 by Ali Palisca, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
I love this simple way to keep my life on track! Note the measurable action steps you can take today to transform your life!
• Create: What are your dreams? What have you always wanted that you are willing to have this year? What habits would you like to implement now to begin the process of manifesting your dreams? What do you need to begin to create the life you MOST want?
• Nurture: What in your life needs more nurturing, care, love, and encouragement? Like tending a fire, your relationships, projects, work, sex, money… etc. need just the right amount of fuel… too much will smother the fire and with too little the flame will go out. What needs your consistent, tender attendance to thrive?
• Destroy: What are you allowing to stay in your life that is holding you back and must be destroyed for you to move forward? What project, person, idea etc. needs to be let go of so that your dreams can emerge? What illusions/ beliefs/ thoughts are you willing to destroy so that you have more space for creation?