Kingdom Keys: Moving Out of Familiarity Into Open Doors
Posted on February 26, 2014 by Donna Ghanney, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Familiarity often hold us back from experiencing success.
Most people hold on to what they are familiar with because it gives them comfort existing in the known instead of experience the unknown. This often limits individuals capabilities from prospering and entering their open doors.
For instance, the Holy Bible tells us the story of two angels appearing to Lot desiring to take his entire family away from the wrath that was going to come upon Sodom and Gomorrah. The angels proclaimed to them do not look back as they were taking them out of the city. However Lot’s wife was so attached to the familiarity of their prior home that she could not withstand looking back, and by failing to follow what the angels said, she turned into a pillar of salt as can be seen in the book of Genesis 19:26. This open door was established for the entire family of Lot, but one failed to enter the open door and decided to look back to the closed door which often leads to discomfort and even at time destruction.
In order to move away from familiarity, children of God must keep an open mind. Staying subject to a familiar environment can exist because an individual is close-minded. They have established their own thoughts and ways that the Kingdom of God should be confined to. However the Holy Bible profoundly declares that “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” in Isaiah 55:8. It is impossible to place God into a box and say that you know Him in its entirety. By having an open mind to other territories or undefined opportunities you have access to you can walk through your open door. Each open door you enter you will receive insight to new environments that may lead you to a unique and prosperous success.
Familiarity reduces the chance of entering into a quality door because of fear. While living in Dallas, Texas, I literally met people in Dallas that had not, and stated that they would not travel to Fort Worth, Texas. I also know persons in my hometown that would not travel out of the city. In corporate America, I met many persons that would not travel to another country or consider taking on a new task or activity even though it could have let to expanding their opportunities to success. Exercising faith and believing that you are more than able to see outside of your box can grant you the ability to change your circumstances beyond your current imagination. Since the Kingdom of God is global then your ability for an open door is everywhere.
Helen Keller once stated, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one, which has been opened for us.” Helen Keller was blind, deaf, and mute, but understood that a door that can bring you happiness can close. She also had an open mind to know that there was always something that was going to bring her delight when she applied herself to open the next door. In some of her intimate writing she declared that she knew there was a God. Individuals having senses to hear, see, and talk should be able to develop such a relationship with God to discover their open doors outside of their common familiarity.