Power of a change
Posted on January 05, 2014 by samuel silabele, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
change,decision making
POWER BEHIND A CHANGEIn most cases people turn to be afraid of a change occurring in their life. Of cause it is not simple to deal with something new, new environment, new people nor a new job or career. Through all anything that does not change end up boring and becomes a habit.
Lets take a look at the story of Abram and God while he was still under the protection and supervision of his parents ‘Genesis 12:1.’God wanted to change the story of his life but the problem was the process, meaning how he wanted to change his story. He thought he had all things that God had planned for him in the universe but he was not aware that his life was not bound to his family-siblings and parents. The changing part of the story was that he had to leave nearly all he was used to, all he relied on, a bed he was tied to, job, change of language and maybe a career.
Looking at the life of Abram that time seemed pleasing and interesting but the was a ‘BUT’ in his life.
In most of stories of many people whether they have lots of money or not, there is normally a ‘BUT’ attached to the story.
‘But your family is a mess, your kids are rebellious, yes you have lots of money but you don’t sleep at night, your husband is a husband by words, you have a big house but don’t have a home,have lots of money and qualifications but you have no child to make laughter to’’.
When God visited Abram, He was attracted by a need in his life not a want that would please him. According to my definition of CHANGE, ‘it is the moment of losing what you loved nor relied on and experience something new that will expand your knowledge and strain your brain. Sometimes we need to let some people in our lives to go so that we can experience something new. It is dangerous to ignore a change in your lives and normally it affect people around us and a change goes hand in hand with the move, voice and direction of God but the problem is understanding these three things in our lives.
Lets go back to the story of Saul where by he was only covered by the anointing of a prophet God-Samuel.1samuel 16:12-14.Everything was going smooth and well for him and that let him to leave for God with experience which is what most of people are doing especially people who used to be appointed by God to serve him and the problem with the operation of God is that when He grant an individual an anointing, He never take it back and now that will be about you of how you control that anointing. One dangerous thing about been stag with experience is that you don’t notice when you mess things up. The issue of ‘I can do this, I know I can’.
No matter who you are, where you are, how you are, you need to make a change every day of your life, whether changing you thinking, changing your workplace and don’t blame anybody for things that happens around you that you don’t like, rather change them. Don’t be like people who always sit, do nothing and wait for mistakes so that they can have people to blame. Don’t forget, if you don’t like it, change it.