Holding Onto “Inner-peace” Despite Chaos
Posted on December 27, 2013 by John Pesciallo, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Why is inner-peace a gift? Because we are not prone to inner-peace and few people have it! But when a person does have inner-peace...
The gift of inner-peace. Why is inner-peace a gift? Because we are not prone to inner-peace and few people have it! But when a person does have inner peace then they are okay even when everything and everyone else is not okay. How did they come to have inner-peace? Somewhere along the line, in life, it was either instilled in them growing up or as adults they came to know, understand, believe and apply the principles of inner peace to their daily lives. And after a while it became a habit and a natural part of who they are. In good times as well as bad times they maintained a healthy sense of inner-peace. If they became very successful and thus very busy, they did not let their success rule them and take away their peace. If they hit on hard times and even lost all their worldly possessions or even lost loved ones, their inner-peace remained. It became part of their “Character.” How?
People with inner-peace develop WAYS of being. They develop ways of thinking, believing and doing that focuses on and allows for inner peace. They value inner-peace and have made a commitment to pursue it as an ongoing daily way of living. They know themselves well enough to know what works for them and what does not work for them, focusing on what does work. They develop skills, techniques and strategies for maintaining their inner-peace. They have a system and they work it, daily, happily. Above all, they realize that peace is different than happiness. They know that they can be mad, sad, frustrated, depressed or otherwise in a negative emotional state and still be at peace with and within themselves. Inner-peace is an integral part of their personality.
Options for holding onto inner-peace.
Self-affirmations, Positive-affirmations, Forward-thinking-affirmations;
Positive imagery association; Ex: focusing on a beautiful scene or picture.
Thankfulness or looking on the positive side of things;
Journaling thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values, actions, etc.;
Proactive reacting, humor, laughter, smiles;
Positive self-statement or self-talk;
Post-chaos prayer and higher level spirituality;
Disposition adjustment or altitude adjustment;
Re-centering exercises;
Adult time-out;
And other options.