What went wrong in 2013? How to overcome blocks to your success.
Posted on December 18, 2013 by Jane M Powers, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Learn how to plan for success. Make more money, save time and outpace the competition in all you do.
What Went Wrong in 2013?
Not enough money?
Gain Weight?
No time for fun?
Over worked and under paid?
What happened? You set your revenue, weight loss, relationship and every other goal, but what the heck happened? Did they fall short of your expectations
Let’s make 2014 a year of successful results.
How, you ask?
I have never been a fan of goals or a plan because it create so much pressure and stress for me. Unfortunately goals and a plan are key to your success!
Goals are a part of that plan, there is no way around it. Goal setting is the best way I know to transform the bottom-line. Research shows that when entrepreneurs and professionals set measurable goals for themselves, they’re more likely to achieve them. I believe you have to have goals but you MUST have a plan to implement them or they are just great ideas.
The steps to success in 2014…..break down your plan in to bite size pieces:
1) Determine what you would like to accomplish. For example, if you want to earn $100,000 in 2014 you will build a structure to match that result. Design the product or programs that you will offer and the price point you will offer them at. The key is to honor the value you or your product brings to the lives of others. Do not discount your expertise. The key to your money goal is to increase it no more than 1.5 times your current income. In my coaching I teach people how to work with increase and a big part of that is your believing.
2) Calendarize your goals. There is nothing more concrete than intention. When you commit to a goal and take every action required to bring about the result you can not fail. Too many people set their goals, take SOME action and when it doesn’t produce the desired results they quit. When you put your action steps on the calendar you are more likely to follow through. These “to do’s” are non-negotiables. Living up to your agreements develops trust in yourself and results in greater success.
3) Commit to Strategic Planning. Too often we have an abundant flow of ideas coming to us which can create “shiny object syndrome”. We want to do too many things and finish only a few. When we commit to a limited amount of new ideas it allows us to complete the initiative successfully. The best practice is to decide on 2 to 3 new initiatives / ideas in a 3 month period. Any more than that will cause you to be spread too thin. So determine what new program, activity, tool you will implement over a 3 month period and strategically plan the roll out of those items.
4) Day to day actionable goals. Determine when you will work “IN” your business versus “ON” your business.
You’re working “IN” your business if you’re:
Serving clients
Paying the bills
Collecting outstanding invoices
Writing sales or marketing materials
Blogging, doing Social Media and web site “stuff”
You’re working “ON” the business if you’re:
Doing strategic planning
Building strategic relationships
Developing and installing systems/programs
Hiring Virtual Assistance, web support
Identifying new areas for growth
Monitoring key measures
Leading the organization
Select which days of the week you will work IN your business and which days you will work ON your business. I would suggest Friday is the best day to work ON your business. This day will be dedicated to planning, analyzing and adjusting your ongoing plan. The rest of the days will be IN your business. Each day IN your business you are having sales conversations, prospecting, setting appointments, serving clients, marketing, follow up, lead generation….any revenue generating activities.
When you engage in true goal setting and planning, you define your objectives in pragmatic, measurable actionable terms. This allows you to know each day what you are doing and what you would like to accomplish. This allows you to recognize the resources, time and funds you’ll need to invest to attain these goals.
Once you know where you want to go, the next step is to apply a plan for you to get there. Why not take the mystery out of 2014 and make it a sure bet that you will make more money, have more fun and gain a new found control in your life.
You just have to DECIDE!
Jane M Powers
Contact me for a COMPLIMENTARY PROFIT SESSION today and kick off the new year!