Your Thoughts Have Power
Posted on November 11, 2013 by Andrea Tung, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Does positive thinking work? How and why does it work? My "spiritual" explanation on the power your thoughts have on your reality.
Do you know that there is a power within you, so powerful, it affects your reality? I used to be a skeptic when it came to the concept of positive thinking. How can just thinking positively be affective to your situation? Isn’t that just wishful thinking? Wouldn’t it be more productive to come up with a strategy or solution? I later learned the truth behind this concept.
So consider this. Energy is everything. We are made of energy. Our thoughts are energy. So the thought is energy put out into the universe. And so our energies that we put out starts to attract that which matches the energy put forth. We can only attract what our energies are a match to.
Some people might get mad when they hear this. They might ask, “So why do bad things happen to good people then? Are you saying they brought it on to themselves? You’re blaming the victim!”. Here is how I address these questions. Bad things happen to good people because they are in a bad place in their heads. It’s not a matter that they are good or bad people. It’s that they need to get their head out of the gutter and start thinking in the way that serves them. There is also a matter that there are some people who subconsciously enjoy being a victim. As illogical as it sounds, there is a kind of power that victimhood allows, that some choose to reap their power from. It allows them to not take responsibility for their own lives.
The most empowering thing you can begin to do for yourself is to change those negative thought habits. Yes, you heard me right. Thought habits. Thoughts are habitual, not random. We like to think that whatever happens to us is random, and that our thoughts are arbitrary. But they are indeed habits we form. Habits we pick up since childhood, from other people, from media. You can change these patterns. You are the master of you.
So how do you start? Small steps, don’t get discouraged when you first try and it fails. Start with daily affirmations. Take something you want to change in your life and put it into a clear sentence. Frame the words positively. Do not use words like don’t, won’t, can’t. Try to phrase it in the present as though its a work in progress. So for an example, if you want to quit smoking. Don’t say, “I will quit smoking, and I won’t feel cravings for it anymore”. Say, “I’ve quit smoking, and my health recovers day by day.” Then begin the change by repeating this phrase for fifteen minutes daily. You can do this during meditation. You can break up the time in to three 5 minute sessions. Doing this daily, you will start achieving your goals and change your mindset. It’s great to want change. It’s effective to have an action plan for change.
For people who might not know where to start, try a simple one like,: The universe takes care of me, so I can relax and enjoy the moment. I’ve created this affirmation to help with anxiety and nervousness. Start saying this daily and you will start to shift your mood and mindset so that more positive things can come into your life. It’s only words, but it welds power!
Originally published on my website;