Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
Posted on November 10, 2013 by Lisa Scott, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
How hypnotherapy can help anxiety.
Anxiety and related disorders are common place in today’s society. More and more children are also now suffering from anxiety. Our world moves at such a fast pace . For example there are too many ways to stay connected, through technology like Facebook, twitter, linked in, etc. It can easily overwhelm most of us. There is so much information available on the web. Some of it also is misinformation. Sometimes it may seem like there is never enough time in the day! Hypnotherapy can really help anxiety. It’s safe, effective, permanent and with no side effects. Of course let your doctor know if you are seeing a hypnotherapist and discuss any medication questions with your GP. Hypnotherapy helps anxiety because, it allows the mind to relax. It allows the conscious mind to step aside and to take a break. During hypnotherapy the physical body and mind get a much needed chance to rest. Quite often, anxiety causes physical symptoms in the body. Some peoples’ back will stiffen up or their neck may seize up, with lots of pain. There is a mind, body connection with anxiety. Hypnotherapy can also find the route cause of the anxiety, change a person’s perceptions about the anxiety and also release emotion from it. My experience being a hypnotherapist, | have seen clients experience relief after just one session. During hypnotherapy you are in control. It is not mind control. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. Your hypnotherapist can’t make you do something you don’t want to do. You are aware at all times of what is going on.