Did you know that Most people with Anxiety Disorders also have Sleep Disorders?
Posted on November 10, 2013 by Shannon Avana, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
About 80% of the clients who come to me for help with anxiety and depression also have sleep disorders. The first thing I typically recommend is...
[to see the video version of this talk – go to http://youtu.be/H2YDrjX9-ig]
I’ve worked with hundreds of people at this point, and I’d say probably at least 80% of them have a sleep disorder. Often going to bed much later than they’d like, and especially in depression, sleeping much longer than they’d like.
Since I specialize in helping people with anxiety and depression, the first recommendation I often make for people is to install a program called flux (http://justgetflux.com) on their computer.
Natural lighting is blue during the day and orange at night. We’ve got a blue sky, and night, historically we would have had fire light or candle light. In modern times, we have artificial lighting, especially computers, and artificial light is generally more blue light all of the time. What happens is that this effects people’s circadian rhythms, and especially people who are on their computers late at night – they’re getting light that’s telling their body that its time to wake up, all the way until bedtime.
The program Flux is a free program, and all it does is make your computer’s lighting more orange in the evening, to model natural lighting. The beautiful thing about this program is that you install it on your computer, and then it just runs. Its one of my favorite personal growth tools, because you don’t have to maintain it. I highly recommend if you have sleep problems, try installing this on your computer.
Additionally, there are these orange glasses that you can get, just Google or look on Amazon for orange glasses – orange workman’s glasses, they’re usually under $10, $5-8, and they are orange – they filter the light to be orange. I like these even better than Flux as far as effectiveness, because they’re stronger, and, they also filter out your room lighting as well as your computer and TV and all of those sorts of things.
If you want to install Flux but you find you have an operating system it doesn’t work with, just google Flux and your OS and in most cases you can find a program that will make the lighting for your device – be it a computer or a phone or a tablet or orange at night, and that will help you sleep better.