Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition
Posted on November 06, 2013 by Carol Ellis, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
You are in a career transition - now what?
Job transitions can be stressful—whether they’re due to layoff, a new job or working extra hours because others workers were laid off. If you’re facing one, here are some things to consider.
1. Step up your self-care. Major changes are physically and emotionally taxing. Self-care is more important now than ever. Good nutrition, 6 to 8 hours sleep and exercise will all help to put you in the best place and state of mind.
2. Engage your curiosity. What did you like about what you were doing? What really interests you now? What is it that you know you want to do but have been putting off?
3. Take an honest look at yourself. What are your strengths, areas for development, skills? How can these influence your career and job options? What do you want to do now?
4. Focus on what you want, and less on what you don’t want. Keep your eye on the prize.
5. Find support. Transition affects you and your immediate family. Look for support from friends and family and professionals.
6. Work on your thoughts. Staying positive – see the possibilities will help to calm your fears and reinforce your sense of hope and happiness.
7. Reassure (or avoid) those who are threatened by, or jealous of, the change.
8. Create your own rite of passage. Transition is about beginnings and endings. Ceremony and ritual help with all transitions.
9. Let go of how things were “supposed to be” and accept “how things are.” Find appreciation for what is.
10. Keep things in perspective. Or try on a new perspective. As long as you are moving forward you will not get stuck. Be open to change and what is possible for you now.
11. As you move through the change be patient with yourself – allow yourself to experience what is going on – and be curious about your reaction to it. How you view change will have an impact on you – look for the positives – reflect on the past.