Glamour Magazine - I am quoted in the following Article
Posted on November 02, 2013 by Jason Weberman, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
6 Simple Reasons New Relationships Fail to Launch:
6 Simple Reasons New Relationships Fail to Launch:
I am quoted in the following Glamour Magazine article:
“4. Your relationship to yourself.
“People usually think it’s all the things on the outside that make a relationship work or not work, but really it’s an inside job,” says Christine Gutierrez, a psychotherapist, advice columnist, speaker, author, and founder of “Having a loving and healthy relationship with yourself is the number one way to ensure that you can have a relationship with someone else.” Jason Weberman, a certified dating and relationship coach in New York City, sees things similarly. “Most people don’t know themselves, what their needs are in a relationship and what type of person can fulfill those needs. People get distracted by what I like to call ‘shiny objects’ such as sexual attraction and other surface attractions when they should really be looking to see whether or not their core values complement those of their potential partner.”"