3 More Myths That Are Keeping Your Biz Small
Posted on October 28, 2013 by Gretchen Duhaime, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
If you're working hard, but no one seems to hear your message, then you need to read this article
One easy way to think about the systems of your business is to look at it as having its own energy system. I developed the business chakra system to help you to do just that.
Just like your body, your biz has seven energy centers that need to be in balance.
Going from bottom to top they are:
1. Longevity and physical properties
2. Passion and drive
3. Visibility and reputation
4. Love and loyalty
5. Communication and systems
6. Planning and self-sufficiency
7. Soul and ecstasy
For most of the entrepreneurs I talk to, Communication and Systems is the area of immediate opportunity.
When this area is low, it is very difficult to consistently enroll new clients. If you’ve ever felt you’re working really hard but no one seems to hear your message, check out these three myths that might be dampening your Communication and Systems energy.
1. It worked for her, so it will work for me
Isn’t it frustrating when you follow all the rules, cross all your t’s, deliver great content, and then… crickets?
Especially when you know other people who use the same formula and filled their programs.
The one size fits all business template is a myth. The secret? Listen to your intuition, and what your people really respond to.
2. The people in my local area aren’t ready for this
I used to believe this one, too. The truth is, people everywhere are ready for what you’re offering.
There are lots of energy reasons supporting the importance of local networks. When you boost your signal locally, even if you change nothing in your online marketing, you’re online signal gets louder.
3. I just “follow the energy.”
This is probably the most common reason I hear for not structuring the time spent on business activities.
Following your energy is a good starting place to know when you’ll be most effective at different tasks. Having a system and knowing what to do when will take lots of the frustration out of your client attraction efforts.