What is Prayer?
Posted on October 22, 2013 by Anshul Swatantra Gupta, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
What actually prayer is?!
Birds are singing, children are playing, this universe is dancing in prayerfulness!
To pray is to melt in deep gratitude towards this existence so as to let the river of our own being flow into, and merge with, the ocean of this whole existence.
Prayer is possible when I am not! When I am there, prayer is not possible. In deep gratefulness and relaxation when I totally forget myself, prayer happens!
Prayer is not a serious affair as our priests and so called ‘good people’ have made it :) Prayerfulness is playfulness. It is possible only with a childlike innocence. Serious people can’t pray! Whatever they do is all hypocrisy. Their prayer is so heavily loaded with crap that it can’t reach God anyway :)
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