Take Hold of Your Life! Soar to Your Sky!
Posted on October 10, 2013 by John Gappy, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Some people just cruise through life. Some have few challenges. Others know what it means to hit rock bottom! Rise!...and turn things around! And You?
Are you among the mid-life guys out there? Well, mid-life range can be very elastic. Let us change the question. How is life treating you? Or even better to ask: what is going on in your life right now? What is happening to you?
Maybe you are among the few who simply just cruise through their entire lives without being challenged by life issues (relationships, career, health, etc….).
Maybe you have to face up with some challenges but they do not really shake your world.
Or you could be among those who go through tough times and have to pause and ask themselves WHAT now? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty years have passed and I thought I was done with having to choose a life direction…. suddenly my comfortable world is crumbling.
I am emotionally drained because the long term relationship I invested in suddenly crumbled.
I am financially stretched because I spend more than I earn…in trying to pursue the expensive good life.
I am economically bankrupted as my business did not prosper … or … I fell down the career ladder!
I am stressed out! Every single day I taste emptiness, anxiety, fear, and all the demons that walk in their shadows.
I am bruised and have switched to panic mode as default system.
Can I truly get out of this situation? Can things change? WILL things change or is this my karma? Maybe its my turn to suffer and I should just take it as it comes? But it truly hurts….and I cannot take it anymore…My dreams are shattered, trampled, crushed!
Can someone hear me?
YES! I can hear you loud and clear. I connect with your pains because I have been there before….not only once…but several times…not for a brief moment but for a prolonged period. Figuratively speaking it was as if I fell full weight, dead weight, flat onto cold stones….rock bottom.
Where am I right now? I am well out of the stone cold ditch, journeying across warmer fields and strolling through colorful gardens.
How did I get out? I decided that I did not want to stay on the cold slabs any longer. I decided it was time to stand up and face reality head on. Now, I did not go out all guns blazing and shooting everything down! Far from that. I started by looking around me…looking within me… becoming aware aware of the mutual interactions between the outside and the inside. I clarified my life purpose and chose the direction that would help me achieve my goal. Then it was time to make it happen through careful planning and action. I had to modify and polish certain things along the way. I have now started to taste the positive feeling of attainment…as the road continue to unfold in front of me.
I can hear you wondering…..was it easy? Of course not! It was difficult and it will always be difficult to get out of a wretched trench! However, I quickly learned not to focus on the stench around me but to seriously ask myself: do you REALLY want to get out of this? I tried to quantify the level of my desire. How much, from 1 to 100 (1 lowest and 100 highest) do I you really want to turn things around?
I did not hit the high scores immediately…but the more I meditated on how it would be, if I was off the cold stony floor, my scores increased….until I was well over 50%. Well, that’s me. You might just jump and change everything in a jiffy! That’s you! Whatever road I took, whatever path you take, I am sure of one thing: YOU CAN MAKE IT! A lot of people transited successfully albeit painfully. I MADE IT! You can make it!
You can become who you want to be! You might not believe it for yourself right away…I understand…it took me some time to get there too.
You can re-orient yourself. You can water your dried up relationship or change if it has crashed against the wall.
You can redefine your career ambitions. You can rebuild your life purpose. You can do it by yourself…or you can request someone by your side.
Different kinds of people and experts can journey with you. If you feel traumatized by past issues and need to heal these deep emotional wounds, maybe you should seek a psychotherapist. If you have this urge to move forward, turn things around, but do not know where to start, then a Life Coach can help.
Because I deeply believe that everyone going through crap can turn their lives around, because I want to learn how they engage in their own life transition, because I am excited to be enriched by the transformation of your life story…I became a Life Coach.
As a Life Coach I see myself as a thinking partner and a feeling companion. I walk by your side until you become as fresh as a daisy and as strong as an ox. I patiently work with you until there is enough light in the tunnel for you to see your way ahead. I will be happy when you are happy … it will be my pleasure to see you free as a bird as you soar to your sky.