How does coaching work with Law of attraction Processes?
Posted on September 17, 2013 by Sylvia Lane, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Coaching essentially works at supporting a person through change. Law of Attraction is a process that facilitates this in a profound way!
Coaching essentially works at supporting a person through change. That change can be based on external events, such as a job or career change, family issues or finances, or it can be based on change internally, such as a person wanting to change and develop themselves as a person and grow spirituality and mentally.
Most, if not all, coaches will agree that when a person enlists the support of a coach, the understated benefit of coaching is the growth and development of the person, regardless of the reasons why they engaged a coach in the first place.
Coaching with the Law of attraction is a process that I find helps to facilitate this change in a conscientious and profound way. People that make use of a coach working with the Law of Attraction know, and look forward to, the immense growth they will achieve in all areas of their life.
When using Law of Attraction in business coaching you find you gain so much clarity around what you actually want, and this alone helps you to move forward. But, the added bonus here, is that you get to work on the outcome of projects and marketing campaigns before you physically start to implement them. Talk about an increase in success!
So how does Law of Attraction work?
We are energy, everything is energy, including our thoughts. Energy vibrates and like attracts like. So the type of thoughts you put out there will in turn attract those experiences into your life. Lets say for example that you do a letter box drop and before you commence the physical task of delivering the flyers, you walk around thinking “this is never going to work, no one is going to come in for this special”. Guess what, you will have little to no results at all from this campaign. Instead, what if you walked around thinking AND feeling that it is going to be a hugely success campaign, well guess what, yip, it will be a huge success!
Train yourself to be positive, think positive, feel positive and all the positive vibes will come straight back to you, bringing you success, abundance and a darn good feeling!